Chapter 18: It Takes One to Know One Right?

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Chapter 18: It Takes One to Know One Right?

Many months had passed in Jake Caloways life. He never went on his quest for the gods. He believed himself to have been lied to about the city, and he was sexually assaulted many many times. Always astral, most recently by Aphrodite. His husband Dionysus who he had married a long time ago but whom had mostly been omitted in our story until now and him were fighting. Zeus and him as well were fighting. Dionysus said he could either have sex with him tonight or he would rape him. Jake pulled no punches.

"If you do this to me we're done."

"No we're not."

"Yes. We are..." Jake made a comment of something only known between the two.

"You're not fuking doing that!"

"Yes I will."

"You can't!"

"If you rape me. We're through. I'm never talking to you again."

"It's for a ritual!"

"I don't care"

"You forgave Mason for raping you. Eradicus. The others. You'll forgive me."

"No. I'm not divorcing you but..." Jake paused.

"If you rape me I will never talk to you again"

"It's for a ritual"

"I don't care!"

Finally Dionysus left and as before him Jake imagined several red strings in his mind. The strings connecting to him and the gods. He took a purple string representing Dionysus and cut it. Early in the month Dionysus had him do a ritual that was a curse in disguise.

Take three gold peppers, 2 cinnamon sticks and one ounce of butter. Boil them in a pot and say the following: "Give me adventure, give me trauma, put me through the world's drama. Bring to life this call to adventure bless with a chance" and then drink only a small amount of it and say "Havay, Golatay" and Jake Caloway did as the god instructed. He had overheard the gods saying it was a curse, but in his heart he had grown to trust the god of wine and performed it. However shortly after things changed.

Jake Caloway knew he was once a god. He was once according to Marcarba as far back as time itself. Jake wanted his divinity back. He longed for it. He craved it. According to Jake he was very "hungry" and he was in the process of dying do to a lack of worship. This was not the first time Jake Caloway had nearly died, do to internal affairs. While he saved his heart before this time he was indifferent.

He could care less if he died. He would be upset, but according to Jake it wouldn't be the first time. Deluded or intended whatever the truth may be, Jake Caloway was done. The gods kept trying to "gaslight" him into believing he was insane, full of himself, and an idiot. Jake knew better, his buttons were being pushed and now he had seen a darker side to the gods.

He had been fighting with his "father" Zeus. Everything for him since that spell had been going wrong. In upmost honesty he wanted to kill himself. He ever wrote an entire letter. It was addressed to Eridan and Maika. But he never sent it. Eridan had all but disappeared from Jake's life. The reason he gave Jake was "I've just been busy with work and really depressed I'm sorry". It was rare he heard anything back these days. That's a theme with the ever elusive Jake Caloway. He can't keep them, and they refuse to stay.

It was eating away at him. Nobody to talk to about his abuse at the hands of the gods, constant rapes, nobody to talk to about his divinity. His one true friend Eridan Papa O Rangi the maori fellow from New Zealand had disappeared and he was completely alone. He did have an ex boyfriend he amused with from time to time "Normi" as the nickname went, but Normi and him never discussed the darker and more magical side to Jake's life. He couldn't, he would say, "I can't bring Normi into that. He'd never talk to me again". Even Jeromy seemed to disappear with work and jobs. Ross was mean when present and usually absent. Jake felt terrible. Completely and totally lost.

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