Chapter 22: I will not let my grandparents bury their grandchild.

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Zues approached Jake in his kitchen. His mother Sasha Caloway, was working from home that day.

"I have a present for you. Come upstairs. I know how you feel about presents. You like giving gifts not receiving them"

Jake went upstairs.

"Listen....about everything" Zeus was uncomfortable.

"Yes daddy?"

"About that...."


"How about this? Red or Blue?"

"Red. If you're asking my favorite color-"

"No. Whichever feels better?"

"Oh uh blue?"

"See the thing is I'm handing you off to a new father..."


"You should go. Get out of the house. Get one last cup of coffee..."

"I don't understand"

"If your mother will allow it"

"Uh sure"

Jake texted Sasha a request to go get starbucks.

"Starbucks is preferred. Can't stand Copper Coin. Bring your laptop..."

"Are you okay?"

"Fine. I'm fine. You have a big trip ahead of you. Maika will come back after the summit...he was supposed to go with you to the summit..."

"Your worrying me"

"I love you"

"I love you too..."

"You love me right now. Right now you love me..." the implication was that that would change.



Jake was once again raped by Apollo and after many nights of hell he attempted suicide again. This time it failed. It always failed with that Jake Caloway. An angel appeared to him after the fact Casiel, and Casiel gave him a letter from god. The letter stated that he would be sent a lover, a friend, and a confident. The letter stated that God couldn't bare to see his son die. Jake laid awake that night. Tomorrow was christmas. He wanted to die. His mother Sasha had been none the two wiser. She smiled and was cheerful as though nothing had happened at all. At the boyfriends house. That being the boyfriend to Sasha, Jake had a long talk with god on the couch. It ended with Jake saying "Look. I just....I don't think I can do this anymore"

"I'm sorry?" God asked.

"I think you need to find a new prophet..."


"I'm sorry"

"How dare you!? It's my son's birthday and you pull this shit!?"

"Look I know you're upset."

"No I am furious!"

Then Jesus stepped in trying to ease the tension. It was to no prevail, and Jake and God cut each other off. As Jake said this he felt his wings, his astral wings to which he recently properly earned, and they were turning black. His halo was fading, it was burning and horns appeared. Jake was falling. But he said something, he felt regret, and then half way it stopped. The demons expressed to Jake that he was only half a demon, and half an angel, for what else would god make him to be? That God stopped the process half way.

Finally Jake went to bed, after attacking and cursing Daren for his suicidal ideation to which the mage arranged. Jake got 25$ for Christmas, and the gods warned him to only spend it digitally, which uneased and upset Jake. As he laid in bed Eros was scolded by Aphrotie. Jake overheard them arguing. "You should give him a coat" She said. "No not one my coats! Give him one of yours!" and then he saw Eros.

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