Chapter 17: A Will to Achieve

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Jake sat in the shower. He was greeted by a lesser known angel Falecdiel. An angel utilized in post apocalyptic narrative stories. But one who Jake always admired. In the past Jake had not been kind to angels. Despite his affinity and connections to God, despite talking to the man, as a man of magic who had a religious upbringing forced upon him, he took a while to warm up. Falecdiel was the angel to do that for him. Jake spoke to him under the water. A holy bath it was in the Jewish religion. Or it would've been had this story truly been ancient.

"I am very upset with you Lord"

"What are you upset with me over?"

"You plan to erase yourself as the one true god. You plan to bring back Rome. You plan to bring back the old gods. It's upsetting"

"It's not my plan" Jake pointed up to the sky and we all know what that meant.

"It is your plan Jake his or not. I am very upset that god chose you for this task."


"He could've chosen anyone. Someone loyal. Someone smart. A christian. But no he had to choose a pagan. He had to choose off his path. He had to choose you."

"I didn't ask God to choose me."

"But he did in recognition to the end times and messiahs. Here we now are"

"Please don't be upset with me over something I have no control over" Jake's words were calm.

"I will be upset with you! God should've chosen a loyal soldier. Someone like your friend Jeromy. Not someone who would slander his name dragged through the dirt. Not someone who wishes to die. Not someone-"

"Like me?"

"So you know."

"I think he doesn't want me on the one god path"

"I know and that's what upsets me most of all!"

"Look I'm just one person"

"One person with god like power and dastardly plans"

"I will bring back Rome" Jake laughed making light of the situation.

"You idiot it's already happening. Is it do to you?"
"I'm a complicated person. Theirs a lot of plans"

"And you're fine with the world forgetting who you are?"

"I can't help this. It's out of my hands."

"Sure it is. Sure it is"

"Like I said. Please don't get mad at me for things I have no control over"

"Goodbye Jake Caloway."


Nights moved on. Days became months and Jeromy called up Jake via the weekend drunk.

"So I met Apollo's roman counterpart. He told me alot of stuff. I got mixed signals"

"What whether or not he likes you?"

"No just in general magic"

"Hmm weird" Jeromy stated.

'"Yeah I didn't get a straight answer"

"Well he's a god I doubt you're gona get a straight answer from Apollo" Jeromy joked drunk.

"I really want you to read Raven's book about me but theirs some questionable things in there"

"Dude theirs questionable things when we talk" Jake laughed in response.

"I suppose. Here I made you an answer on my vlog test take it"

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