Bringing back the past

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Elena's POV:
We reached the woods "what are we doing here ?" Oliver asked "before we start I want to show you something" I told him "what ?" He asked I eyed glowed my claws came out my vangs also came out "you're not a werewolf , what are you" he asked "I'm a were-cheetah" "Wow I've been sneaking around beacon hills looking for you and I've seen were-coyotes, were-wolves, kitsune and a lot more but I've never seen a were-cheetah" he said "okay now let's start training" I said to him "training for what?" "I want to join the lacrosse team" I told him "Elena you're too weak" he said I tackled him onto the floor so I was on top "are you sure about that ?" I said "well you use to be weak before you became a were-cheetah" he said "so are we training or not" I said. After an hour of training we sat down I heard a twig snap someone was here "did you here that" Oliver said "shhh" I told him "Elena I know you're here I can smell you" I recognized that voice right away Scott, Stiles Liam and Scott we're standing in front of me "what are you doing here all alone" Stiles asked Oliver was hiding behind a tree but he came out "she's not alone" Oliver said All three of the boys turned around "Oliver?" Stiles asked with a shaky voice "yes stiles it is me" Oliver said "what happened to you we all thought you died " Scott said. When Scott Stiles and Oliver were little they were all friends we they started high school they become distant Oliver became popular and was best friends with jackson all the girls would drool all over them but jackson was an jerk my brother was nice and respectful and they still loved him for that when Oliver disappear jackson was only so he started picking on Scott and Stiles. Jackson disappear people say he moved to London.
Stiles's POV:
I just couldn't believe my eyes Oliver is back he all thought he was died how is possible "you can trust them Ollie" Elena said "what happened ? Why did you disappear? How could leave Elena how could you !!! YOU LEFT HER WHEN SHE NEEDED YOU MOST !!!" I yelled "STILES STOP !!!" Elena said her eyes were glowing her claws and vangs were out "Elena calm down" Liam held her back
Elena's POV:
Liam held me back calming me down we sat down next to a tree "I'm so sorry Elena I never wanted to argue with you, you mean the world to me" Liam said "it's okay Liam I forgive you" I hugged him he leaned in I also leaned in put someone pulled Liam back "get off my sister" Oliver said "Oliver stop ! Leave him alone" I yelled "he needs permission from me" Oliver said angrily "no he doesn't because he got Stiles approval Stiles was there for me when you weren't he replaced you I don't need you Oliver you left us you weren't there when mom and dad died Stiles was so don't come and try to be in my life !" I yelled in tears Liam came up to me and hugged me "let's go beautiful" he whispered in my ear
Liam POV:
It hurt me to see Elena in tears nobody deserves to be in this kind of situation I've never really knew about Elena's past she's such a happy person you would never expect this and I want to be there for her.
Elena POV:
Liam walked me home and kissed me goodbye once I walked in I was greeted by uncle Stilinski "hey Elena you have a visitor" he said "really who" I asked confused who would visit me he only friend I have now is Liam,Kira, Lydia and Malia but they're at Lydia's grandmother's house "hey little sis" a voice snapped me out of my thoughts "Lauren ?" I turned around and saw my sister I ran into her arms and broke into tears "I missed you so much" I told her "same Elena I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when mom and dad passed away it was easy to come over here when you live across the country but I'm here for you now" she told me "thank you and I forgive you Oliver's here" I said she pulled away from the hug "he really missed you Elena the only reason he came back is for you" she told me "where is he" she asked "with Scott and Stiles" as soon as I said that the three boys walked in Lauren ran up to them and hugged them "Lauren what are you doing here" Scott asked surprised "I came the same reason Oliver's here Elena" she said "I'm going to bed Lauren mind joining me ?" I asked her "I'll be right up" she yelled from downstairs Scott went home Oliver's sleeping in stiles's room and Lauren is sleeping in mine
Stiles' POV:
Oliver and I walked down stairs we smelled food "Elena must be cooking" I told Oliver "she cooks now wow she's grown up" he told me "you have no idea" I told him "good morning boys" Lauren said "Good morning" we said at the same time "good morning stiles" Elena said ignoring Oliver "you can't ignore me forever" Oliver said she just walked right passed him but he grabbed her arm "let go" she growled "stop ignoring me" Oliver growled back she didn't answer his grip got tighter "Oliver stop ur hurting her" Lauren said he let go " just tell me what do I have to do for you to talk to me" Oliver said "I want you to accept Liam" Elena said "who's Liam" Lauren asked "Elena's boyfriend " I whispered to her
Author's Note:
Happy late Valentine's Day 💕❤️ I wish Dylan Sprayberry was my valentine anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry I took so long to update and I'm so excited about fifth harmony's new album reflection !!! Ok bye

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