Where's Elena ?

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Elena's POV:
I woke up to my alarm play sledgehammer by fifth harmony I got up and felt light headed I just shook it off "how are you Elena it's been a while " I turned around and saw a tall shadow standing at the Conner of my room "who are you ?what are you doing in my room ?" I asked them "you seriously don't recognize my voice wow and to think we were family" all of a sudden it clicked "what do you want Oliver? what are you doing here I thought I didn't exist to you" I told him in a angry tone "you always existed to me baby sis I've just been ignoring everyone so how are you ever since mom and dad died you seem okay without them" he said walking up to me "don't you dare bring them up all they ever did is treat you right and you pushed them away WHY OLIVER ! WHY DID YOU LEAVE US ! YOU'RE JUST A SELFISH ..." Next thing I knew is he slapped me hard I was in shock I loved my brother we were so close we told each other everything. One day he just got really mad at our parents they got into a huge argument and he left without calling me, saying goodbye , sending letters nothing how can he just leave me a week later our parents got over it and decided to visit Stiles and his dad
"Come on Elena ! Stiles is dying to see you again !" Mom yelled
I walked down stairs
"Are you sure he's not dying to see Lauren and Oliver because he doesn't know that Oliver left and Lauren's across the world enjoying the collage life" I told my parents
"Elena I'm sure your uncle told stiles stop worrying about them and grab your bags" my dad said I grabbed my bags and walked out to put my bags in the trunk I got in the car waiting for my parents to get in 5 minutes later my dad drove out of the drive way "if it'll make you feel better I'll let you play one direction" my mom she said smiling at me "you know me so well" I said I said handing her my cd I've been in the car for an hour and I've been scrolling on Twitter listen to one direction "look Elena we're almost there" she said I looked out the window and saw a big sign the said welcome to beacon hills as I put my phone away I look up and there was a huge truck coming towards us "Chris hit the brakes !" My mom yelled he tired but seemed like he couldn't and that's when the accident happened I felt the car rolling over many times and I tired to get out it was dark out half of my body was out I saw glowing eyes the animal came running fast as lightning towards me and scratched me I was too in shock to scream later the ambulance arrived and you know the rest
***********end of flashback******
"Where's Lauren ?" I asked Oliver
"She's still in college but I've kept contact with her" I replied "you should leave before stiles comes" I told him "ahh stiles haven't seen him in a while how is he ?" He asked "it doesn't matter leave" I said opening the door "why are you such in a hurry sis I thought you loved my company" he said walking up to me "leave !!!" I yelled "Elena are you ok !?" I heard a voice yell they were running up stairs I used my cheetah senses to see who it was it was scott "Oliver leave now "I whisper "Elena are you ok ?" Scott asked arriving at my door Oliver was gone fast out the window and I mean fast like cheetah fast "who was that ?" Scott asked worried "it doesn't matter leave me alone" I said grabbing my towels and walking to my bathroom as soon as I got out I got changed quick i was wearing forest green sweater black jeans and black combat boots I walked over to the mirror and applied mascara and eyeliner i grabbed my black purse and put my phone, earphones, Chapstick, couple of bobby pins and mascara just in case I walked down stairs heading out the door "where do you think you're going" stiles ask "out" I said rudely i took a step out the door and he grabbed my arm "what is wrong with you ever since this morning you've been acting weird" stiles said concerned "I'm ok stiles I just need to take a walk" I said more calmly "ok be safe remember to call us first if anything happens kiddo" stiles said "alright stiles" I said Closing the door behind me I walked to the park I was meeting Liam there it was a short walk as soon as I got there I sat on a bench "what are you doing here by yourself it's not safe" I turned around "what are you doing here Oliver ? Are you following me?" I asked him "I'm protecting you" I don't need you to protect me anymore I'm a big girl now " I said "you never answered my question what are you doing here?" He asked "I'm meeting someone here" I told him "and who may that be" he asked sitting down next to me "mind your own business Oliver" I said "damn sis someone got aggressive" I said putting his hands up in surrender "what are you?" That question just slipped out of my mouth "what do you mean" I hear his heart beat raising " you know exactly what I mean not just anybody can run out of a room like that Ollie" I told I saw a small smile on his face when I called him Ollie it was a childhood nickname "you're not going to believe it's crazy" he said "trust me out of the time I've lived here crazy doesn't mean anything" I told him "I'm a werewolf you might laugh but it's true I found out the day I left you, mom and dad I thought I was going to hurt you guys so I crashed the car dad bought as an excuse to get kicked out I didn't leave Elena I would never leave you dad was so angry he didn't let me say goodbye to you" Oliver said with tears in his eyes " I believe you Ollie and I need to tell you something to " I said "Elena ? Is that you?" I turn around and saw Liam "meet me at my window at midnight Ollie now leave " I told him, he walked away "who was that ?" Liam asked "an old friend of stiles" I told him "Elena are you lying to me I can hear you heart beat" he asked me " I'm sorry Liam I'm just not ready to tell you who that is " I said getting up ready to leave "Elena it's ok I understand I just thought that you wouldn't lie to me " he said " we all lie at some point Liam you know what just forget it" I walked away "Elena !" I Ignored him and kept walking "why are you ignoring your little friend over there " " I thought I told you to leave Oliver " I told him "and I told you I'm protecting you" he responded back "fine follow me" I told him
Stiles' POV:
It's been two hours since Elena left and she doesn't answer "what if they're getting it on if you know what I mean" Scott said laughing I gave him a dead stare "I'm kidding stiles I bet they're fine I'll call Liam" he said "why didn't I think of calling him" I said aloud "maybe because you're so worried you can't think straight" Scott said "hey Liam how are you and Elena doing" Scott said into the phone I couldn't hear what Liam was saying "how long ago did this happen ?" Scott asked Liam "ok thanks Liam don't worry we'll take care of this alright bye" Scott ended the call "what happened Scott is Elena ok?" I asked him worried " I don't know man Liam said that they got into an argument and he saw her leave with a guy do you think it's the same guy from this morning?" Scott said " I don't know let's find out " I said
Author's Note:
Hey guys sorry it been a while if you check the background of the story it tells you who play the characters sorry I can't put it anywhere else but if you can't see it these are the people
Elena played by young version of
Nina Dobrev
Teen Wolf cast as themselves
Lauren played by Marie avgeropoulos
Oliver played by Paul Wesley
Lauren and Oliver will become important characters soon that's why I added them I hope you enjoy the update comment if you have questions or anything have a great day! 😊☺️💕

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