Helping the were-cheetah

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Elena POV's

"I'm a Were-cheetah?" I was so shocked I can see the expression on everyone's face what if they're scared of me what if they never wanted to talk to me what if Liam won't like me because I'm a were-cheetah all these thought were running through my head it feels like I'm having an anxiety attack "Elena calm down I can hear your heartbeat" Scott told me "how is that possible are you a were-cheetah too ?" I asked him "no but I'm a were-wolf but I can help you get through this just like I did with Liam" Scott said I looked at Liam but he was looking at the floor " wait you're a were-wolf what's next a were-tiger ?" I asked getting freaked out "Elena calm down yes I'm an alpha" I told me while his eyes glowed a bright red "wow how did you do that ?" I told Scott "you'll learn" Scott told me "come on we should get going" stiles said while he walked out "thanks Deaton" Scott told Deaton then he looked at me "be careful Elena" Deaton told me I just nodded I notice that Liam was really quiet "hey Liam are you ok" I asked him "yeah I was just worried about you I know we just met but I couldn't bare too lose you" he said looking at the floor blushing awww he's so cute "aww Liam that's so sweet of you it's going to be okay" I said while we hugged I felt so safe in his arms *cough* he turned around to see stiles staring at us we both blushed and got in the jeep then Scott got in

Scott's POV:

"Where are we going" stiles asked me "to the woods" I replied I turned to see Elena with a confused expression after a while we finally arrived "what are doing here?" Liam asked me "we're gonna help Elena to control herself" I told him "What! Are u crazy what do you mean control myself what's gonna happen to me" she yelled "Elena calm down tomorrow night is the full moon and you need our help stiles call milia I'll call Kira we could use all the help we can get" I explained to them

Were-cheetah(Liam Dunbar)Where stories live. Discover now