Being nervous

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Elena's POV:

Today's the day is the day me and Liam hang out after school I have to get ready I got in the shower once I was done I picked out my outfit with was a gray lose fresh Hoodie, dark Hollister jeans and I got my black and white nikes my hair was finally dried show I curled my hair into lose curls at the bottom of my hair I braided that sides and left my side bangs down I added a black bow to my hair I grabbed my black and white Aztec backpack I grabbed my duffle bag since I'm in soccer we have practice during lunch thank god it wasn't after school or I would have to cancel plans with Liam I wouldn't want to do that "hurry up Elena !" Stiles yelled from down stairs "coming!" I yelled back I walked down stairs grabbed a green apple and Gatorade from the fridge I walked out the door I hopped in stiles' jeep I was checking my twitter "do you want a ride after school ?" Stiles "no thanks I have plans after school" I replied "like what ?" Stiles asked think Elena quick "I'm going to hang out with a friend after school" I replied "that's good I'm glad u have friends other than the pack" he said "yup" I said popping the P we picked up Scott "hey stiles,hey Elena" Scott greeted us "hi" me and stiles said at the same time "jinxes" i said "dang it" stiles said we finally arrived I got off and I was on my way to my locker "slow down there kiddo" stiles said "can I help you?" I questioned with sarcasm "where do you think you're going missy?" Stiles said "to my locker duh" I said "what you don't want to be seen with us ?" Stiles asked "yeah you got the lacrosse captain right here" Scott said "no thanks" I said walking away i reached my locker I felt someone behind me "what do you want now ?" I said kinda rudely "sorry I just wanted to know if we were still up for after school" I turn around to see Liam behind me "Omg Liam I thought you were stiles I'm so sorry" I apologized "it's fine" he chuckled gosh he's adorable "are you ready to go to first period ?" He asked "yeah let me grab my book" I said I grabbed my book and locked my locker "ok I'm ready let's go" I said "what are we doing after school anyways ?" I asked I was so curious "it's a surprise" he said "ugh I want to know" I Wined I laughed at me " you're so cute" he said omg he called me cute I blushed and I guess he notice what he said and blushed "hey you guys" mason greeted us "hey" we both say we walked into class and sat in the back the rest of the day pass by not interesting happened but Liam was really quiet today that's weird I felt kinda lonely because I usually hang out with Liam and mason but he was avoiding me I wonder if we're still gonna hang out? I was passing by mason "hey mason is Liam mad at me or something" I asked "I don't know it feels like he doesn't trust me anymore" he said sadly "aww mason everything's going to be alright he just needs time" i told him I was walking about to walk out of the front doors "Elena wait !" I turn around to see Liam running "where are you going ?" He asked "home" I replied "did you forget about us hanging out today? Because I didn't I've been thinking about it ever since" he said with a nervous look on his face "no I didn't forget you've been ignoring me all day so I thought u were mad at me" I explained "I would never be mad at you" he told me aww I blushed " I was just really nervous about this" he explained "it's ok, well I have to go Malia is taking me home I have no idea what stiles and Scott are up to" I laughed he laughed along "I'll pick you up at 5" he said "can't wait" I said

I got to Malia's car

"So you and Liam still going on that date" I nodded and blushed

"Awww lets go get u ready" she said "I'm so nervous about this" I told her "it's going to be ok"

Author's note

Sorry this chapter is short and it took so long to update I'll take longer for the next update so it can be better please vote

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