Theo becoming my friend ?

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Elena's POV:
I woke up this morning I took a quick shower I changed into dark jeans, my black ankle boots and my black knitted sweater then I walked over to my mirror and applied mascara and Chapstick I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs I ate a cookies and cream pop tart and brushed my teeth again I grabbed my soccer bag I ran out the door locking it behind me and got in stiles's jeep "I'm going to drop you off then I'm going to go help Scott with something" Stiles told me "why can't I go" I asked "I want you to stay in school even though you're a straight A student with all honor classes and extra credit I want you to focus" Stiles said "he need someone to watch Liam and Theo while we're all gone" he added "fine" I said as we arrived at school "we'll be back in time to watch your soccer game" Stiles said "okay" I replied then closed the door I walked to my locker putting my books away "hey Elena" my friend Alexandra said but I call her Alex "hey Alex, feels like I haven't talked to you in a while" I told her "I know we have to catch up sit next to me in history I'm going to put my books in my locker I'll see you first period" she told "okay" I told i started to organized my locker to waste time I haven't seen Liam or Mason yet that's weird then the bell rang I closed my locker then I got a text I unlocked my phone but then I bumped into someone knocking my phone out of my hand "I'm so sorry Elena" I look up to see Theo's bright green eyes "it's fine" I said then picked up my phone "can I walk you to class?" He asked "wouldn't you be late ?" I asked him "I don't mind" he smiled "ok then" we started walking to my class "You have practice today?" He asked referring to my soccer bag "No, I actually have a soccer game after school" I told him "Can I watch you play?" He asked "sure" I told him "can I ask you a question" he asked "you just did" I laughed "you have a beautiful laugh but what I was going to ask you is if I can hang out with you at lunch if your boyfriend is okay with that" he asked "thanks and I'm sure he will be" we arrived at my history class "see you at lunch" he said walking away I walked in to see a seat next to Alex, I walked over to sit next to her "sorry to tell you this but it looks like that Hayden girl is flirting with your boyfriend" she said I looked over to see Hayden all over Liam, I thought she hated him gosh she's freaking bipolar "it's not like he's cheating on me" I told her "he better not or I'll make sure he can't make babies" Alex threatened him I just laughed and I guess Liam heard me laugh so he turned to look at me and I just smiled and he smiled back I started my work and finished quickly then I ended up helping Alex then she started playing with her blonde hair then I realized I never read that text I sneaked my phone out and read it
I need you to become close friends with Theo to see if he's trust worthy enough to join the pack
I put my phone away "is it okay if I hang out with someone else during lunch?" I asked Alex "yeah, Who?"
She asked "Theo Raeken" I told her "omg the hot senior!" She whispered "yeah, that one" I said "you're so lucky I would die to be you" then the bell rang "I'll see you during 3rd period" I told her I walked to my algebra 2 class I hated this class I was the only sophomore there it was mainly juniors I did my work and finished everything so I just waited until the bell rang 10 mins later the bell rang as I walked to my third period I saw Mason and he walked up to me "where's everyone ?" He asked me "they went to go help Scott with something" I told him "are you and Liam okay ?" He asked "Yeah, I'm just spending time with my friends that I usually don't get to hang out with" I explained to him "okay I'll talk to you later" he said "okay tell Liam I said hi" I told him as I walked away I walked to my third period which was Chemistry I sat next to Alex "today we're doing a lab" she told me "finally I'm tired of taking notes" I told her that class went by fast we just ended up mixing stuff and writing observations finally I got to fourth period my favorite subject Language arts honors and I had Theo in the class so I decided to sit next to him we ended up working in partners on a packet for the last 5 mins of class the teacher just let us hang out "how long have you been in Scott's pack ?" Theo asked me "since I moved in with Stiles on my way to beacon hills my parents and I got in a car accident but I survived and I ran out to woods and something scratched me and that's how I became I were-cheetah" I explained "you're stiles cousin right ?" He asked "yeah" i told him "Stiles,Scott and I use to be friends when we were younger" he said "I know stiles told me but he told me there's something different about you" I told him then the bell rang we walked to the cafeteria "so you never told me how you got my powers back" I told him as we grabbed our pizza "it's a secret" he winked at me then we walked to a table I saw Alex at the table across us with our friends when she saw Theo and I sitting together she wiggled her eyebrows thank god Theo's back was facing her I just rolled my eyes "I'm serious about my powers I need to know" I told him "As a lone wolf I learned a lot I was thought from different people many things and when you told me you had lost your powers I transferred my energy to you, you had your powers all along, you just had no control over them" he explained "thank you so much" I said as I hugged him and the corner of my eye I saw someone staring at us I turn to see Liam walking out of the cafeteria angrily "Liam wait!" I yelled as I ran after him

Author's note:
Sorry this update really sucks I was bored and decided why not update anyways please go follow dxnbar she's so close to 200 followers and she has an amazing fanfic that I barely finished and fell in love with it's called Fearless go check it out if you haven't read it and the picture above is Elena and Alex

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