The Claw Marks

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Author's Note: first fanfic sorry for errors writing this on my phone.

Elena POV:

After uncle Stilinski arrived at the hospital to check and me he asked Ms.McCall if I was able to go home she said yes. uncle Stilinski called Stiles to pick me up I waited out front for Stiles, a blue jeep parked in front of me I saw Stiles jump out of the jeep "Hey kiddo haven't seen you since thanks giving are you ok ? I heard about the car crash" Stiles said to me while he hugged me "Yeah I'm ok just tired can we go home ?" I replied to him "Sure! Hop in" Stiles told me while opening the door of his blue jeep. The ride home was silent besides the low music Stiles glanced at my arm and notice the scratch "what happened to your arm are you ok, I'm gonna tell Scott about this" he said concerned "It happened during the accident a animal scratched me"

Stiles POV:

After Elena told me what happened I looked at the

scratch and I noticed it just wasn't a scratch it was claw marks We arrived home and I called Scott

Phone conversation

Scott: This better be important Stiles or I'll kill you

Stiles: it is remember Elena well her parents got in a car accident and died she got scratched and that's how I think she survived it's not just a scratch Scott they're claw marks

Scott: we'll go over Deaton's after school tomorrow go to sleep stiles

End of Conversation

I went to check on Elena in the guest room she was sound asleep then I went to my room got ready for bed and fell asleep

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry for the short chapter I hope whoever reads this enjoyed it I'll try to update constantly if I don't I'm either busy or lazy please vote and it's my first fanfic sorry for errors writing this on my phone.

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