Missing ?

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Elena's POV:
I wake up tied up to a chair thank god I'm not dead why is it so dark in here? What am I doing here ? Where's Liam? Who the hell kidnapped me ? I have so many questions first they kidnapped Liam now me what's wrong with these people "hey Elena" a familiar female "what do you what from me?" I asked "revenge" she said "revenge of what?" I questioned back and she turned around no way! It can't be her why would she do this to me "REVENGE FOR KILLING OUR PARENTS ITS ALL YOUR FAULT !" Lauren yelled "HOW IS IT MY FAULT YOU WEREN'T EVEN THERE" I yelled back "YOU'RE SO STUPID WHY CAN'T YOU BE AS SMART AS OLIVER AND I" after she said that something I least expected happened she slapped me my own sister
Scott's POV:
We we're waiting for Lauren to come back from the store with chips it's been 2 hours and we're worried "HELP" Liam yelled while running in "what's wrong ?" I said while getting up "elena is missing" he said "what do you mean missing ?" I asked "missing as in not found" stiles said "there's no time for your sarcasm stiles" Lydia said "we should go find her and Lauren" Kira suggested "Lauren is missing too?" Liam asked "she said she went to go buy chips at the store but she hasn't returned" Lydia said "and it's been 2 hours" Stiles added "Let's go!" I told them walking go the door "wait!" Liam said he ran upstairs 1 minute later he came back with the sweater Elena was wearing earlier "it still has her scent" Liam said "ok we can go now"Malia said we got in separate cars and drove around beacon hills Liam sticking his head out the window sniffing the air "Stop!" Liam yelled we reached the woods Liam jumped off and ran we all followed him
Elena POV:
After Lauren slapped me she walked up stairs I think I'm in a basement of an old cabin I felt dizzy and weak I would have transformed but I think there's wolf's bane in my system my vision is getting blurry my head is pounding I use all the strength I had left and howled as loud as I can and passed out
Liam's POV:
I was running as fast as I can the others were behind me at a far distant I was an old cabin can she possibly be in there I got closer and hear a howl coming from there I broke the door down "Elena!" I yelled I walked farther in there was a door that lead to a basement I walked downstairs "well look who showed up I'm not surprised you showed up I mean you are her boyfriend but you're just a weak beta what are you gonna do you're a pathetic little were-wolf go crying back to your pack" Lauren said to me Elena was beside her unconscious "Your the pathetic one here you kidnapped your own sister and tortured her" as soon as I said that the others arrived Lauren jumped to attack Malia but Stiles knocked her out with a pan we all stared at him "what? You all have supernatural powers and I forgot my bat" he said "nice job" Scott told Stiles we hear something up stairs it was steps we all got quite the steps were coming closer and closer we saw a shadow coming down the stairs we all got ready to attack "hey guys sorry I'm late but I got your text Scott what'd I miss?" Oliver said "your psycho sister Lauren here tried to kill me" Malia explained "she would do something like that" Oliver said "what if someone or something is controlling her" Kira said "but who?" Scott said "Kate" I said picking elena up and walking out the door
Sorry I took a long time to update but I hope you guys enjoyed the update I love reading the comments you leave me have a great day or night 😊 and picture of elena on the side or top

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