The run in the woods

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Elena POV:
I decided to forgive Lauren it wasn't her fault why didn't she tell us before I wouldn't know how it would feel it voices yelled in my head it was 7 a.m I decided to get out of bed I was about to get ready but I checked my phone and it was Saturday I changed into a sports bra one of my older soccer shirts and shorts I grabbed my phone and earphones I recently bought a pouch thing you wrapped around your arm for you're phone i walked downstairs grabbed a Gatorade once I walked out the door I put my phone on shuffle the first song was miss Jackson by Panic at the disco one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands I reached the woods and started running I run for what felt like ten hours when it was really two. I heard someone following me so I picked up my pace I felt my eyes glow that means I'm using my powers but that person was right behind me how is that possible my foot got stuck in a hole and I fell I felt something snap I think I broke my ankle I took my earphone off "oh my god Elena are you ok ? I was calling your name but you kept running so I chased after you" a voice said I turned around and it was Liam "Liam you're ok ! I would hug you right now but I think I broke my ankle and sorry I had my earphones on I thought you we're a stalker" I told him. He helped me up he kissed me and I kissed back he picked me up bridal style "it's not fair that you're a were-cheetah I couldn't catch up and us were-wolves are pretty fast" he laughed "it's a gift" I laughed we we're almost there "you could put me down Liam you must be tired since you tried catching up to me" I told him "me tired? Psssshhh no that was just a warm up" he said proudly "are you sure it looked like you were about to pass out" I told him joking around "you're lucky you're half cheetah I would have out ran you" he told me "ok sure" I said sarcastically "did Scott and stiles ever tell you what happen ?" I asked him "yeah and it's okay don't blame your sister it's not her fault" he told me " I know I forgave her the boys are with her right now talking to Lydia" I told him I tickled him and he started laughing his laugh was adorable he finally put me down "what was that for ?" He asked "so you could put me down I think I healed" I said walking to see if I healed "yup I'm good" I said "then you better run I'm gonna get you back" he said and I ran. We ran all the way to the house the door was locked I started banging on the door I didn't want to get tickled I'm a very ticklish person Liam was almost here I saw him running my way I turned around and started banging on the door again he started tickling me and I started laughing I was leaning against the door while Liam tickled me someone opened the door and I fell back with Liam hovering me *ahem* someone cleared their throat Liam and I turned "oh hi Stiles" I said "Elena why were you banging on the door" Stiles asked sounding like a concerned parent "Liam was going to tickle me" I said Oliver walked in being the over protective brother he is he grabbed Liam by his shirt to pull him off of me for some reason a growl escaped my lips the boys turned to me "over protective over your mate are we Elena?" Oliver asked I got up and went to me room before I turned and tackled my brother he likes to push my buttons. I walked downstairs and saw that everyone was on the couch watching a movie "does anybody else find it strange that nothing crazy has happened I mean we live in beacon hills come on now" I told them "Elena's right you guys expect the unexpected" Scott told us Liam walked up to me "wanna take a walk?" He asked me "ok" I told him we walked out the door "I race you" I told him "so you can lose ?" He said sarcastically "I'll give you a head start" I told him "ok" he said before he ran off after a minute I started jogging *snap* "Liam is that you?" I asked but no one answered "Liam this isn't funny" I said getting concerned "how are you Elena?" I heard a voice before I could turn around I was knocked out
After like 3 minutes of running I turned around to see if Elena was coming I waited like a minute "Elena!" I yelled no response "Elena this isn't funny stop messing around if you're trying to get me back from tickling you I'm sorry " I told "Liam who are you talking to?" I turned around "Scott? What are you doing here" I asked "I came to look for You and Elena, where is she at anyways?" Scott asked "I don't know we were running and she gave me a head start" I explained to him "retrace your steps" Scott suggested I walked back and found her charm bracelet "ELENA!" I yelled she's gone they took her
Hey guys I'm back I want to know what you guys think about the story do u guys have any questions or comments don't be afraid to share. do you guys have any questions about me let me know by commenting enjoy !

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