Condition terminal

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Elena's POV:
Scott,Stiles,Theo and I ran into the police department I ran towards my uncle to help him up then I walked over to see what everyone was looking at and Lydia was bleeding out on the floor "Elena!Stiles!" Scott yelled but we stayed still "go Elena she'll be ok" Theo said looking into my eyes I ran over to Scott and Stiles "I swear it wasn't me" Malia said "it was the people with the mask,there was three of them" she continued "I saw them too" I said and everyone looked at me "I'm going to go check on Lydia" I said then ran back to Lydia we all headed to the hospital"Theo,good job on that probably saved her life" Everyone turned to look at him then I blacked out on the rest of the conversation "let's go Elena you need to sleep you have school tomorrow" Stiles said
*******next morning************
I skipped first period to help Scott and them look through books after that I just went to all my classes and sat with Alex at lunch it was now after school
Liam's POV:
"Hey Elena" I said walking up to her "hey Liam" she said then kissed me "Mason invited me to a club to be his wingman I would invite you but Mason said its your guy's night out or something like that" I told her "it's fine I'm probably going to help stiles and Scott anyways" she told me smiling "have fun but not too much fun" she winked then I kissed her "I'll see you later" she said walking away
Elena's POV:
I walked into the library to see Stiles and Malia "hey Stiles can I get a ride home then to the hospital so I can see Lydia" I asked him "sure Elena let me put all these books back" I turned around to see that the library was empty and the librarian was sleeping at her desk so I decided to use my cheetah speed to put all the books away then turned around to see a shock face on stiles's face "can we go now?" I asked smiling "I could have done that" Malia said "I still would have done it faster" I said as we walked to stiles jeep he dropped me off at the hospital "hey Melissa" I said as I walked up to the front desk "hey Elena, you came to see Lydia ?" She asked "yup" I told her then she gave me a visitor pass "thanks" I told her then I walked in Lydia's room to see her and Parrish watching Kung Fu or something "hey lyds" I told her "hey Elena, how was school just the usual I skipped first period to help Scott and stiles look for something in books at the library, you didn't miss much" I told her "do you usually skipped your classes" Parrish asked "I'm I speaking to you as a friend or a cop ?" I asked making Lydia roll her eyes "she's really smart she'll probably have the chance to graduate next year like I did but I'm still taking a class this year" Lydia explained "enough about me, how are you Lydia?" I asked her "a least I'm not dead" she joked making us cheer up "well I have to go I hope you feel better" I told Lydia "bye Elena" said Lydia "do you need a ride" Parrish asked "yes please Stiles is probably to busy trying to figuring stuff out on the board he has in his room or he's probably with Malia" I told him the ride home was short I got home then walked up stairs passing by Stiles's room and I saw him and Malia writing on the board it was kinda late so I decided to do my homework once I was done I was going to clean my room until I got a call from Scott "Kira and I are almost there be ready we need your help I ran downstairs I think I was alone anyways I'm guessing Stiles went to drop Malia home I ran outside and got inside Kira's car Scott explained everything and the way when we got there i opened the door and alarms went off "oops" I turned to look at them Kira used a weapon of hers to turn it off "Gosh I love you" Scott said then ran off Kira and I looked at eachother with wide eyes Kira ran off following Scott saying something about regretting to say something I don't know i started looking for this Scorpion human thingy I ran behind some curtains and Scott and Kira followed I saw Liam being attacked by that thing I turned and ran to them then turn him off of Liam, I helped Liam up "I told you not to have too much fun "I said making him laugh I saw Kira pull out her sword thing as Scott and her fought the one guy and Liam and I helped Mason and Brett "I didn't know you were supernatural" Brett told me "yeah she's a cheetah" Mason said all excited I turned around to see Kira glowing while running with her sword towards the guy ready to kill him then Scott stopped her at the corner of my eyes I saw shadows I turn to see the people with the mask That hurt Malia and killed Tracy they had a weapon with them pointing towards Scott "Scott!" I said using my cheetah speed I pushed Scott out of the way and got scratched by the weapon but it went through the scorpion dude I held my arm as I bleed Liam kneeled down next to me as Scott asked the masked men "why did you do that!" He asked them but I blacked out what he said and concentrated on trying to not to lose a lot of blood then the masked men disappeared "are you okay?" Scott asked "yeah I'm fine" I said as Liam helped me up and out of no where my head started hurting I had a feeling someone was in danger some close to me very close to me I turn to see Liam,Scott,Kira,Mason and Brett the first person I thought of was stiles I ran out using my cheetah speed running to stiles using his scent since I live with him I know what he smells like I see stiles trying to fix his jeep but I was too let I saw someone hurting him I saw stiles scream in pain I ran and dropped that person to the floor then I saw his face it was Donavan I punched his face then scratched him with my claws as my eyes glowed a bright green they were usually a gold color but I saw the reflection on stiles jeep once I noticed Donavan was out cold I crawled over to stiles and try to help him but I was knocked out
Sorry guys I know that chapter sucked and I left out a lot of stuff and everything wasn't exactly like the episode but I tried sorry if you didn't like it I know it wasn't my best since I did this like in an hour without editing it or anything but I just wanted to update fast

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