Full moon

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Elena's POV:

I woke up to my alarm playing "she looks so perfect" by 5 second of summer I grabbed by towels and took a shower after that i brushed my teeth I picked out my outfit which was light Hollister shorts a red t-shirt with #11 my number for soccer and my white converses I put a cream color cardigan (pic on the top but the shirt isn't crop top and no jewelry) I left my hair naturally down braided the sides and added a cute white bow I like bows for some weird reason I walked down stairs it was still really early so I made omelets for stiles, uncle Stilinski and I once I was done I set them on the table and poured glasses of orange juice after that I ran upstairs to grabbed my backpack and unplug my iPhone from the charger I walked down stairs and stiles and uncle Stilinski walked in "who made this delicious breakfast" my uncle asked "I did I was up early so why not" I smiled "someone's in a good mood" stiles said I sticked my tongue out at him we all sat down and ate once we were done uncle Stilinski left stiles went to the jeep and I grabbed my duffle bag and a frozen Gatorade and put it in there soccer practice is after school today I locked the door behind me and got in the jeep the car ride was silent until Stiles said

"The full moon is tonight"

I was shocked it's going to be my first full moon

"I don't thing I'm ready" I told stiles

"We'll all be there to help you out don't worry" stiles comfort me we finally arrived I felt weird like stress or anger I just tried to ignore It probably has to do with the full moon I feel my blood rushing my heart pumping fast stiles notice "Elena! are you ok" he asked "Elena!" I couldn't respond to him because it felt like a roar was going to come out I ran to the bathroom on my ran there I crash into someone and fell but I kept my head down just in case "Elena is that you" I heard i familiar voice I looked up to Liam he grabbed my hand to help me up I felt Sparks and all of a sudden everything went anyway "Elena!!!" I heard Stiles yelling running down the hall with Scott "are you ok?" Scott asked "yeah I'm fine I gotta get to class see you guys later" I walked to class i sat in the back like always I like sitting in the back so the teacher won't notice you or something but I always do my work a have good grades and I'll keep it that way I just wanted to be alone today I just had a different feeling I saw Liam sit down 2 seats away for me since the rest were taken he smiled at me and I smiled back once the period was over everything was normal besides me feeling weird at lunch I walked out to the field by myself not that I'm a loner I just want to be by myself I plugged in my earphones and eat my sandwich once I was done I was scrolling through my social media "why are you by yourself" I hear I look up to see Liam "I was just relaxing I guess" I told him "I just came to check on you because a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone" I looked down and blushed "I just have a weird feeling inside of me" I explained "well the full moon is tonight maybe that's the reason" Liam explained " I think you're right" I looked down feeling upset "hey what's wrong he lifted my chin "I'm not ready for the full moon what if I hurt someone" I said with a low voice "hey look at me you're not going to hurt anyone we'll all be there for you, I'll be there for you" he said looking into my eyes he has the most beautiful eyes ever "we should get going before they start to worry about you" Liam suggested we both got up and walked to where the rest of the group "where were you ?" Stiles asked me he always wants to know where I'm at and with who he's like the over protective brother I never had " I was out on the field with Liam" I turned and smiled at Liam he smiled back "we're all gonna gonna go to Lydia's grandmother's lake house" Scott said "do I have any saying in this ?" I asked "No!" Stiles and Scott said at the same time they have a weird friendship the bell rang I walked to class "hey Liam how did u learn how to control yourself" I asked him curiously "well I was in back a van to Mexico to save Scott from Peter and Derek and stiles was with me and Derek thought me how to control myself by saying the sun,the moon, the truth I don't know much about it but it kept me from turning" he explained the rest of the school day past by thank god I hate school I'm getting ready for my soccer game everyone is out at the bleachers "I heard this girl Elena is new she must really suck" I heard a girl say from who knows where I need to get used to these supernatural powers I felt a rush in my body like I wanted to punch someone in the face I walked out when I heard coach blow the whistle "I want you guys to play hard today put all your strength and effort!" Coach yelled I cover my ears because it was to loud why are these supernatural powers messing with me before the game I feel so angry stiles walked up to me "Goodluck Elena" stiles said excitedly "get out of my way" I said as I pushed him to the side what is wrong with me that's stiles I would never do that ugh I need to control myself before I kill someone on this field the referee blew the whistle I covered my ears again I got weird glances I ran for the ball but I ran really fast as fast a cheetah oh wait I am one I pushed one of the girls really hard they got hurt and I got a yellow card coach had a angry look "come on elena you're one of my best players !!!" He yelled at me they made me sit on the bench until half time "Elena what was that !? Are you trying to kill someone!" stiles yelled at me "leave me alone I know what I'am doing gosh stiles why are you so bossy all the time if my parents didn't died I wouldn't be in a situation like this!" I yelled back Stiles walked sadly back to Scott "don't listen to her first full moon is getting to her" Scott whisper to stiles there's no point of whispering when I could still hear them "hey guys sorry I'm late why is Elena on bench ?" I heard a familiar voice I turned quickly and saw Liam I felt much better "Stilinski come on don't mess up this time !" Coach said while he put me back into the game half time started I glanced at the bleachers and saw Liam smiling at me I ran for the ball I played nicely this time I scored 3 goals by the end of the game we one 4 to 2 I heard the voice I heard from earlier "they're lucky they but that loser Elena or they so would have lost she's ugly anyways" I saw a girl across the field I ran across the field "are u afraid to say it to my face do something !!!!" I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear liam scott and the others ran to me "Elena calm down" liam told me sweetly while holding me back I relaxed by his touch "that's right hold your crazy girlfriend" the girl said while she flipped her hair i raised my arm to slap her but Liam stopped me "come on Elena it's 5:30 we need to go home to get ready to go to the lake house" stiles said I didn't say anything because I was upset about earlier when we got home I took a shower changed into light jeans navy blue sweater and white converse once my hair was dry i braided my hair to a fish braid I disconnected my phone and put it in my back pocket of my jeans I walked over to stiles room and knocked lightly on the door "come in" stiles said

"Hey stiles I just wanted to apologize for earlier I don't know what has gotten into me" I said while walking in

"It's ok I understand Scott explained to me" he said

"I would never speak to you like that" I walked over to him and hugged me as Stiles squeezed me "we should get going its alrighty 7:00" we walked down stairs stiles grabbed the keys to his jeep we both got in I felt very impatient every noise I heard has annoying the music playing softly from the radio tapping of stiles fingers on the steering wheel we finally got there I saw Liam and ran out the jeep and hugged him " I feel very impatient right now so I'll hug you while I can because I don't want to kill you" I said while hugging him "You're not going to kill anyone calm down I'm here for you" Liam said hugging me a bit tighter making me feel safe I heard a loud honk I dropped to my knees and covered my ears that hurt more than usual "let's go inside its getting dark" Scott suggested I sat down and the couch I felt pain through out my body I felt my ears and nails growing I looked down at my hands and saw claws my jaw clenched as my fangs grew "Help!" I yelled almost roaring everyone turn by now everyone knew how to control but me Scott and Stiles grabbed me and took me to the basement everyone came along I couldn't bare to see Liam I feel ashamed I fought against the chains I roared loudly "Elena think of happy things" stiles said

Scott's POV:

I pulled Liam aside "I need you to talk to Elena comfort her you're the only one she trusts you" I said to him "ok I'll do it for her he walked carefully to her and held her hand you can see it in her eyes she relaxed a bit

Elena's POV:

Liam held my hand I relaxed at his touch I felt butterflies in my stomach turned back before I turned fully cheetah since I'm a shift shaper Liam was like my weakness yet my strength I know I'm only fifteen and its not been a long time since I met Liam but I think I'm in love

Scott's POV:

I gathered the group besides Liam since he's helping Elena "did you guys see that I think Liam's her anchor" I told them "aww they're so cute together" Kira said "so Liam is Elena's anchor like how stiles is mine" Malia questioned "yeah" I replied

Elena POV:

"Thanks for helping me I didn't want to fully turn yet not until I know how to control" I thanked Liam "I'm glad I can help a beautiful girl" he said I blushed he intertwined our fingers I blushed even more "Liam what are we" I asked shyly "I'm not sure" he pulled me out side quickly before we got caught "Elena...." Liam was nervous I can hear his heart beat "will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me "omg yes a billion times yes" I hugged him tightly Scott ran out we let go way to ruin the moment " are you guys ok I heard your hearts beating fast "yes scott we're fine" we all walked back in "I'll take you on a second date tomorrow" Liam whispered in my ear even tho most of these people have supernatural hearing as long as Stiles didn't hear he would try and hurt Liam even though Liam is a werewolf "can't wait" I whispered

Authors note:

hey guy Johanna here sorry I took so long I try to update fast but I want to chapters to be good and I need to catch up in school I hope u guys like it don't forget to vote I deleted my Twitter account but I have a second one so follow me @lukes__baee comment if u have questions or if u liked it and omg guys my crush followed me on IG i get the idea of Elena's appearance from myself I have long brown hair and brown eyes but just picture her as a normal pretty girl since I'm not pretty lol but everyone's pretty in they're own ways love ya cheetahs lol I'm so weird dm me wen ever u want have fun good luck talking to ur crush I talk to mine on Tuesday I said to words "my bad" I walked away blushing anyway bye awesome people 👍💕⚽️👌🔥💁🌺👑🍪🍕🍦

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