Hey hey hey!

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When we both got there Saiki let go of me and just sat in his seat.

'Ow, I didn't know Saiki was that strong. It feels like he almost broke my hand,'
Nevertheless class soon started and I started zoning out again.

I laid my head down on the desk and just stared at Saiki. Something's off about him I can just feel it. Or maybe I'm a little crazy and haven't noticed it yet.

I'm hoping for the latter but I just kept looking at Saiki. I'm completely sure he knew I was basically burning a hole in the back of his head.
Once class ended I was about to get up when Teruhashi came up to me. My first thought was,

'challenger approaching!' I wanted to laugh but that would make me stick out even more so I didn't.
"Río! When can we start our little arrangement?"

When a few of the guys heard that I felt like I didn't want to exist anymore.
'Don't say it like that you make it seem like I'm a prostitute, so please don't'
After a few seconds of silence she finally got the hint of "shut the hell up". She quickly handed me her phone number so that I could message her later.

Again I felt like I was ascending. I shoved the paper in my pocket and walked to my shoe locker. There I saw Kaidou, Nendou walking out while Saiki was waiting for me.
"Thanks for waiting for me dude,"
'I didn't wait I just didn't want to walk with those idiots.'

"At least that means you don't consider me an idiot! Haha"
Ouch. Ow I'm hurt.

While walking home I decided to invite Saiki over again to just hangout and probably play some video games with Kai.

As we made it in front of houses I asked without thinking,
"Saiki do you wanna hang out at my house?"
After I said that Saiki looked like he was a bit annoyed but nodded his head.

I opened the door to see Ray and Kai facing the other way and getting in an intense Smash bro's. fight.
"I'm home!"

"Yo! Y/n I need a second opinion on who would win this game,"
"We all know it would be Ray. Don't even."

"How come he's always the one who wins!?"
"Because I've been playing the game since launch while you've only been playing for a month."

Kai was visibly upset but didn't say anything. He turned to me and noticed Saiki beside me.
"Yo yo yo! Pause the game Ray! I gotta go see Y/n new friend. I have to be a good brother and introduce myself!"

Kai jumped off of the couch and landed in front of Saiki.
"Hey, I'm Kai! I'm Y/n's older brother, and I'm obviously the man of the house." He laughed to himself but was interrupted by Ray also introducing himself.

"I'm Raymundo but Ray for short. Nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out for Saiki to shake which he reluctantly did.
"Since we're all done playing 'say 3 interesting fact about yourself' Saiki and I are going to play some video games in my room"

I grabbed Saiki's hand and brought him to my room. Surprisingly he didn't say anything negative about it since most people would think I'm a degenerate.
I mean they aren't wrong but it still hurts.

In my room there are what some might say "too many" figurines but I like to protest. Besides the point and the figures my room looked like if an e-boy was a room.

Take that as you will but that's what I hear from other people and by people I mean Kai. As I sat down in front on my T.v I patted the spot next me motioning for Saiki to sit there.

He seemed a little puzzled but I didn't question it. Another thing I should mention is that I tend to do things without thinking. So I even catch myself off guard with the things I say.

When he sat down I reached for the joy-cons next me and handed one over to him. I briefly thought of what game he would want to play.

'He seems like a Zelda or an Odyssey type guy. Though he looks like a fire emblem fan but also an animal crossing dude too. Let's just play smash, my head hurts'

I changed the game card and turned on my console.
'Damn bitch I'm so smart, thank Hajime everyone likes smash bro's. I would be struggling if I didn't have it.-' oh the intro's playing'

I looked over at Saiki who had his usual blank face.

Saiki's pov brought to you by Nintendo:

Truth be told, I've never played on a Nintendo console other then the Wii my parents had for a bit until they grew out of it like children.

Besides the point, Río isn't thinking much about what he does which I obviously don't like but it's better then Nendou. Even if I keep getting surprised by him.

Though unlike Nendou I get a small and quick heads up. The announcer said "GAME" out of nowhere but oh-

I lost.
My bad.

Río's pov Because I don't know how to write Saiki abkabsk-
I know he wasn't paying attention but hey, I won fair and square.

"Good game, though I think it would funny if you played with my brothers."
'Oh Hajime n-'
I dragged him downstairs to see that Ray was obviously winning while Kai was shit talking.


"You're a big boy you can handle it KAI"

"Thanks Y/n," Ray said happily
"Shut up"

I guided Saiki who seemed so annoyed to the couch. Kai reluctantly walked up stairs to my room to grab the joy-cons and handed them to Saiki and I.

Kai picked his main Corrin, Ray chose Zelda, Saiki went with a random character and I went with Pit.
When the game started Kai immediately started swearing.

'Jeez, if mom heard him he would be dead,'
I laughed to myself but in a process Saiki took one of my stock.
'Of course he would ouch me off the stage. Meanie, I would still kiss him though-'

Saiki's face went a little red but I didn't notice. Kai kept cussing to the point when the announcer said "PLAYER 3 ELIMINATED!"
He yelled,

Ah yes, a true gamer.

I was surprised at the fact that both Ray and Saiki both had all three of their lives. Though I was at one.

Ray proceeded to launch me out of the stage and it was now Saiki vs Ray

At that fact Kai stopped sulking and whispered to me "I bet you 50 bucks that Ray'll win"

I looked him in the eye and said
"Bet. I know Saiki will win so, you better cough up the cash up when Ray loses"

Kai, being the cocky son of a bitch he is gave me an evil grin. Which soon disappeared when the announcer said "GAME"

We turned our heads to the screen and saw that Saiki had won. Kai being the sore loser he is said
"WHAT?! Wait wait wait, Saiki beat Ray!?"

"Tell him to bring me my money haha. I'm going to split with Saiki so, hand it over"
"You probably used your visions to see if Ray would win or not! So I ain't handin' over jack shit!"

Ray piped in,

I can tell Saiki was enjoying himself a tiny bit, which made me happy.

An odd transfer student (Saiki x Mexican male reader)Where stories live. Discover now