Gay? Dating? Dumb bitches??

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Third person pov:

Y/n's face turned a light rose color while Saiki was eating.
'How so nonchalant,' Y/n chuckled to himself before continuing talking with the group. Unknown to the innocent and arguably dumb Y/n a certain blue haired hadgehog wannabe had seen this public display of affection.

Saiki, on the other hand knew she was staring at both of them, he was merely taunting her. As the youngsters say these days this, was a big dick move.

Teruhashi understandably was dumbfounded and shocked. She shook her head and forgot about her plan she had thought up during the weekend.
'What now!? How am I gonna go about this? I can't make people ungay! At least I don't think.'

  While she was doing that the lunch bell rang. She hurriedly put her bento into her bag and left the cafeteria.

Time skip to uh- damn I didn't think far uh to the end of the day:

The tired students were finally released from school. A group of students more specifically Nendou,Kaidou,Saiki,Aren and Y/n all left to eat some ramen.

Y/n had a small stretch while walking alonga side his friends.
"It's nice being outside Don't ya think?"
"Río you sure like to take things easy," Aren replied.
"Haha, I guess I just like to keep things calm,"

Switching to Y/n's pov because that's the only thing I'm good at writing:

   I wanted to keep holding hands with Saiki but I'm sure he's had his full of physical attention. Turns out I was wrong. Saiki has been thinking the same thing and he just held onto my hand on the way to our destination. As well as kissing it a few times while no one was looking.

  Our group quickly made it's way to the restaurant and stepped inside. It looked like a family owned place with nice decor, there was a separate cafe attached to it. They seemed to have quite the bit of clientele not too much but not too little. I spent about 30 seconds just looking around. After snapping out of my trance I followed my friends to the table the waitress had seated them at.

"I'll be back with you menus," she said sheepishly.
I noticed she seemed to be looking at me up and down. I wanted to pay it no mind but Saiki seemed to have the opposite idea. When she came back she handed us our menus and when I opened it I saw a piece of paper.

  Curiosity got the better of me and grabbed it. It went;
          'I just wanted to say that I think you're really cute and wanted to see if you wanted to on a date with me? Text me!  -6969-6969-6969'

  I kinda stared at the paper for a few seconds until I shoved it into my pocket. I skimmed over the menu before I decided on miso with a glass of iced water. Plain I know but I know what I like. I still couldn't forget about the paper though. I wanted to respond so I reached to grab it but it wasn't there.

'Wait what? I LEFT IT IN MY POCKET! IT COULDN'T GO ANYWHERE ELSE!' But I left something paper-like, when I pulled it out of my pocket it was a napkin.

'Am I going crazy right now? I swear I put a paper in my pocket,'
Before I could finish my thought the waitress had come back,
"Have you guys figured out what you want to order yet?"

While she was writing down all of our orders she was taking our menus. Nothing out of the ordinary but when she went to take mine she seemed both flustered and frightened. Once she left I saw that Saiki was holding a pair of chopsticks in his hand. Odd since they don't give those out until the food gets here.

But soon enough the Waitress had returned with our ramen and while she handed them out she passed me a new note. Before I could ask her why she was walking away to another table. I looked down at the paper;

'Oh I'm so sorry I should've noticed you and the pink haired boy holding hands, I'm sorry for hitting on you when you clearly have a partner. Again sorry'

I stared at the paper for a few seconds just how I did with the first one.
'Pardon? Excuse me? What?
I didn't mention having a partner? I don't even have the paper anymore.'
Out of curiosity I looked over at Saiki who was slightly smiling. It finally clicked in my brain and I sighed. At least I didn't have to tell her I wasn't interested.

But now I'm wondering if we're dating or not since this little incident complicated things a bit. First I kiss his cheek, then he kisses my forehead, then we kiss and now this. I should probably ask him before I go home. I enjoy my food while making jokes and talking with the guys.

We all say good bye to each other and going separate ways (except Saiki and I) when we leave the ramen place. I'm too awkward to bring it up, but I need to have the conversation. I look away from his direction from embarrassment or just plain avoiding the situation.

We were both standing on the sidewalk in front of our houses before I could say anything Saiki gently holds my face in his hands. My face gets warm, while he lightly presses his lips onto mine. I melt into it after a second and once we break away I accidentally say.

"We've kissed like four times, can we date now?"
He smiled a bit and nodded his head. I leaned in and kissed him again this time I'm also holding his face. We break away, both quite red and say our goodbyes and walk inside our homes. I quickly go up the stairs and into my room where I collapse onto my bed and hug my pillow close.

'He said yes! Well more like he nodded but it still counts!'

Meanwhile in the Saiki residence:

"I knew my little Kusuo would get a boyfriend sooner or later!"
"Ever since you were young you always acted a bit fruity ya know?"

'At this point you might as well call me the F-slur'
"Ku we're just trying to be supportive in your new relationship! And you landed such a nice young man. He can cook and clean, maybe you'll get him a ring!"

'Mom, with all do respect we just started dating, yeah I kissed him like four times before we dated but still,'

"That's Kusuo for you, such a... hmm Man's man? Oh well we just hope you give us grandchildren."

How's it going guys? I hope you enjoyed the chapter and now I'm committing to a schedule and I will be updating every weekend and I started a new book. Still will mostly be Y/n Río but not always so watch out for that! Also send any requests for that book of this section or on the book itself.
-Author, Pendeja-Sama

An odd transfer student (Saiki x Mexican male reader)Where stories live. Discover now