Rpg plot

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Oh, why welcome back to Pendeja-Sama doesn't know what to do. Because she doesn't know how to continue this fanfic she's gonna need help from y'all. I'm gonna stop talking in the third person now, but please give me requests for chapters since I've been racking my brain for new ideas. Thanks and enjoy reading!
(Ps- I've been playing a lot of Miitopia recently so that's where I got the Rpg element from)

Saiki's POV:
I hate being a mage, neither of my parents are mages. Not to mention it draws attention, most kids decide to be Warriors,cooks,thieves,scientists,etc while clerics,mages, and anyone else who use magic are born with it. It's seen as a blessing from the gods, I see it as a giant pain.

On my way to the academy I wasn't looking forward to the ceremony all of the other students attend where they choose their class and go on quests.

' A bit irresponsible to let a bunch of high schoolers wave around swords, but then again Pokèmon exists and that was about 10 year olds raising animals to fight.'

While making my way into my classroom I saw a new kid. He looked like a Cleric, he looked quite normal besides wielding magic. Brown skin, black hair,glasses,he had a regular robe on, as well with the matching hat. I think I stared at him for a bit too long accessing him.

I tried to sit down but I was quickly crowded by a few people in my class, first there's Kaidou, he chose to be a warrior although I know he won't do much on quests, then there's Nendou, who chose to be a tank, there's Aren, who's role was already assigned as a thief, Teruhashi, who chose to be a pop star and then me, a mage.

The kid behind me seemed interested in our group, I'd gladly let him replace me in this team. I kept ignoring what everyone said until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I knew it was the Cleric so I turned around, I guess this time I had a better chance at accessing him. Other then his rather normal appearance he was also 'blessed' with magic.

"I'm Río Y/n, and I'm obviously a cleric," he gave out a small chuckle and stuck out his hand for me to shake.
'Saiki Kusuo,'
He also seemed to take interest in my appearance.
'He looks like a mage, pink hair, regular mage robe nothing too outta the ordinary,'

         After we introduced ourselves the teacher had gathered all of the students together to hand out quests. We're put into parties of up to 6 but can change and switch out people. Apparently I had no say in the matter of my team, Aren,Kaidou,Nendou already made me a part of their squad.

      I pointed out the new kid Río and he was dragged to our group.
'I almost feel bad for the guy'
All we needed next was the quest. We also needed to assign roles to everyone, what a pain.

       After we got all that sorted it was time to set off on our new quest. Which was 'Defeat the Komedy King'
'I didn't sign up for this'
Kaidou and Nendou tried to give an encouraging speech but they ended up ranting and rambling about small things.

"And then I said hanger? I hardly know her!" Aren said.
While they were talking it was getting dark so Río and I started to set up camp nearby. In the distance we heard some yelps and cries. Río dropped what he was holding to run and check on the others.

        There were the others and captured by a monster, I'm sure it was a slime. Clearly they were in danger so we had no choice but to help them. Río tried to do damage but as a cleric you can't do much. Without noticing my own strength I accidentally killed it with just one hit.

    Call me DJ Khaled because I'm suffering from success. After the slime disintegrated Nendou,Kaidou and Aren were freed from their slimy demise.
Kaidou seemed to be passed out while Aren and Nendou tried to scrape off the slime goo. I was congratulated on my victory, by Río until he remembered the camp we set up.

    We all followed him and saw someone run up to the campsite. It was Teruhashi. She stopped to catch her breath and started to look around.
"When did I get here?"
A silence followed I know the others were stunned at her presence but this is a bit much.
Río cleared his throat,

"Why are you here?"
Teruhashi proceeds to tell us that all of the boys wanted to have her on their teams so while they weren't looking she snuck out and ran until she stopped here.
'Why specifically here though? There's tons of paths elsewhere, but I can't judge her too bad.'

"I'm sure your team is looking for you, if you want you can stay with us until we find them," Río said
Her eyes lit up,
"Really!? Aww thank you guys!"
She went to hug all of us in a group but Río and I resisted. He sighed,

"Well we didn't bring enough supplies to have a another person on board so we'll have to find an inn soon, and by soon I mean by tomorrow."

Third person POV.
  Soon our dear adventurers remembered there was only 5 tents.

"Ah, uh Teruhashi you can have my tent I'll keep watch for monsters. I am Jest black wings after all!"

"Oh if you're staying up then I am too! Can't let my buddy stay up alone,"

Río sighed,
"You guys are staying up then who'll heal you? I'll keep watch, Teruhashi can take my tent. I already stay up late this'll be no problem."

   With that, the debate was settled between the travelers. As the sun set a pink haired mage emerged from his tent. Y/n sat near a small camp fire he had spent an hour making. The cavemen made it look easy. The mage sat next to him while Y/n was looking through his bag for something.

"Where is it!? Come on I know I packed it!" Soon enough Y/n had retrieved an old and thick book on the front it read "Cleric Spellbook for dummies". He flipped through the pages and took out his staff.
"Wait how am I gonna learn how to heal of there isn't anything hurt?"

The cleric looked around and finally noticed the mage. He jumped back a little before saying,
"Hey, can you please tell me something before you decide to sneak up on me?"
Saiki gave him a black state before nodding.

"It's not like I can practice right now but I can look for another spell,"
Y/n began looking through the spell-book and something seemed to catch his eye. Before he could say anything his stomach spoke first and it clearly said,

"It's been 5 hours I'm starving, you bitch!"
The hungry cleric sighed and rummaged through his bag soon he found a few snacks.
'I don't remember putting this in here, oh look there's a note.'

      "We know that you've set off on adventures hopefully with a group but Ray and I packed you a few candies and small snacks. Praise me -Kai

I know you'll do great as a cleric, Mom's very proud of you. I want to see you in your adventures but I'm always traveling so maybe cross paths. Also don't eat all of candies Kai packed they'll give you a stomach ache- Ray"

An odd transfer student (Saiki x Mexican male reader)Where stories live. Discover now