The next school day

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Most Saturday's I just sleep in and probably play some games but anytime I tried distracting myself with something the thought of Saiki kept coming into my head. The result of this was me constantly dying in my game, my console going into sleep mode from inactivity or just not being able to take a 5 minute nap.

I'm a simple gay I see a cute boy I fall in love that's just how I'm wired. Without noticing I hear the game over music of the game I'm playing. I sigh,
'Since we kissed what does this make us? Friends with benefits? I have no clue. How am I gonna face him on Monday?'

   I looked down at my controller and slouch a bit. I turned off the entertainment system and headed to my room. I sat at my desk and pulled out a book, like my attempts at distracting myself before this time were also fruitless.  I put my bookmark back into the same page since I barely read anything.

   Putting my book back on the small shelf beside my desk I lean back in my seat. Staring at the wall, thinking about nothing. My mind was completely blank. I sighed and reached for an old deck of fortune cards.
'It couldn't hurt to read my own future, at least I hope,'

I'm not as talented or experienced as my brother's or mom so I can barely read cards. I'm slowly getting better but this is a skill you're born with. I shuffle the cards and pick out two. I flip the first one down for the present and I think my brain broke. The card I flipped over meant something along the lines of 'big thing are coming really soon'.

  I hesitated before flipping over my next card. I turned it around and the card showed something that meant backstabbing. My eyebrows raised at this and I quickly put my cards back into their box. My heart and mind starts racing trying to figure out who would betray me and when. My head instantly jumps to conclusions and starts to think about Saiki.

   Before I realized it I heard a knock on my door. It was Ray telling me that dinner was ready. I head down stairs clearly very distracted and distant. My mom picked up on this rather quickly.
"Pequeño you've barely touched your food, que de pasa?"

I sighed and responded,
"I'm just anxious about something, I did my own cards and got betrayal so now I'm on edge."

"Well, you just started using cards a while ago. And those cards aren't exactly reliable when it comes to someone who just started. Don't take it to heart. Ahora termina tu comida"

'She's probably right I shouldn't look too far into it.'
I finished my plate quickly and placed it in the sink. I checked my clock and noticed it was barely 7pm. My mood brightens a little knowing I might be able to actually focus on games. An hour in I got bored and started getting ready for bed.

  I do the usual routine but much slower since my mind is wondering more then usual. As I'm pulling the covers up to my shoulders I think of almost every outcome that could come from asking Saiki to date me. Most of them not in my favor. I need to stop being so pessimistic. I feel my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep.

Meanwhile with Teruhashi...

     I've always been the perfect girl, but now Río threw a wrench in my plans. Talking with Saiko helped me put together a plan to separate Saiki and Río. But what if I'm chasing a gay guy? Goodness that would be embarrassing.

       I'm starting to doubt my plan as well as my reasoning. What's my goal after I get Saiki to say 'oh?' I really should've thought this through more. But it's too late I have to commit to this role as the third side in a love triangle. Even if it means being completely oblivious to the obvious signs of homosexuality in both of them!

After a while I pondered my ideas while brushing my teeth.
'How am I gonna separate them? They're always together,'
I spit out the toothpaste with my brain has gotten significantly smoother and smaller. As I slip into bed I slowly fall asleep not even having thought up a plan.

Time skip to Monday brought to you by me writing this at 1 am :D

Y/n's POV:
I woke up to the same sound of my alarm. I should really change it since it's gotten really old. I hit the snooze button and lay there for 3 minutes but what felt like 30. I sighed and slowly stretched and hopped out of bed. As I was leaving my house I noticed Saiki was waiting for me on the sidewalk.

  I waved and said
"Buenos Días" I quickly realized
'I don't think he knows Spanish'-
I stammered on my words before saying,
"Ah what I meant was 'Good morning' but since Spanish is my first language it just fell out sorry,"
I laughed at myself, knowing 2-3 languages can get confusing at times.

Usually I'm not a big fan of PDA but this was exception.We were holding hands on the way to school and we're getting looks from other people. Maybe it was just me but I felt really self conscious which so many eyes on us. I guess Saiki could tell since he gripped my hand a little tighter. I felt my face get a bit warm and not long after we reached the front gates.

Saiki let go of my hand and went to change his shoes. Kaidou and Nendou walked up to him to chat while I changed my own shoes. Walking to class I felt like I was entering a boss fight, like something was off. I try to shrug it off but I shake the feeling. I sat down and waited for class to start.

No matter how much I tried I couldn't distract myself from the weird and uncomfortable energy in the classroom. I laid my head down, hopefully it would go away by lunch. Thankfully the bell rang and the teacher walked into the classroom to begin.

  Soon lunch bell rang and before I could get up Saiki dragged me away to the courtyard where our group was. We both took seats and began eating. I found myself distracted an awful lot. Saiki took notice and underneath the table held my hand.
'Should I ask? I mean we had an intimate moment last Friday but I'm not sure. It seems a bit quick.'

   I sighed.

Third person pov:
Growing worrisome of his 'friend' a certain pink haired psychic looked around and when no one was looking kissed Y/n's hand. Saiki also isn't a big fan of PDA but he had to make an exception.

An odd transfer student (Saiki x Mexican male reader)Where stories live. Discover now