UAHHHH (apology with tears/j)

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Third person pov: Sunday

The next morning Kusuo slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes, he yawned as he got up. His mind was immediately flooded with other people's thoughts.
'Oh I guess I'm this chapter's protagonist.'
He got dressed and headed downstairs.

Then there was a knock on the door, he opened the door to see Toritsuka.
'Go away it's the weekend.' Kusuo was about to close the door on him but Toritsuka stopped it with his foot.
"Wait hold on! It's kinda important. Have you told Y/n you're a psychic yet?"
'Didn't you tell him that?'

"Yeah but the author forgot he wrote it! You need to tell Y/n!"
'There isn't that big of a need for him to know.'
"But isn't he your boyfriend?"
'Yeah I should probably tell him. There's no natural way of bringing it up in conversation though.'
"How about I invite him to the temple and you can break the news there?"

'Why should you be involved exactly?'
"I'm moral support and your cheerleader! Go Saiki Go!-" Toritsuka pumped his hands in the air as if he was holding pompoms.
'Never do that again.'

Toritsuka sulked for a few moments.
"I'll go invite him now." He sheepishly walked to Y/n's door.
He hesitated to knock, his palms were sweaty- and I'm just kidding I already did that joke.
He finally knocked to see Ray. He seemed like a mess, he was clearly panting and sweating.
"Oh...Hey Reita." He said in between pants.
"Hey Ray, is Y/n home? Jeez what happened to you?"

"He's inside...playing...just dance."
"" Ray steps aside to let him inside there he sees what he expected. Kai and Y/n with joycons in their hands dancing. The song soon came to an end.
"Get fucked Kai! I still always win! Suck it!" Y/n laughed.
"You cheated!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"

"Hey Y/n!" Reita yelled to get his attention.
"OH SHIT!-oh it's just you." Y/n chuckled as he chugged half a bottle of water.
"I was gonna ask if you wanted to come to the temple." Y/n paused for a moment.
"Eh sure."

'that was anticlimactic but I'm not sure what I was expecting.'
"Be there by 4." Reita said as he walked away. He knocked on Saiki's door again. When the psychic answered Toritsuka happily announced,
"He said yes! Be there by 4. I'll tell him to get snacks too so you can't chicken out of it Saiki."
Saiki closed the door after he finished his sentence, leaving Toritsuka at his front porch a little dumbfounded.

"He'll thank me later." He lied to himself as he walked away.

Time skip to a few hours later; 3:20 pm
Y/N was already on his way to the temple via Ray's car. He stared out the window, his mind wondering what could be so important that Reita couldn't just tell him a few hours earlier. He had a small grocery bag filled with sweets, it was really tempting knowing his favorites were in there.

"Why exactly did he ask for you to go to the temple?" Ray's question threw Y/n off guard, he shrugged in response.
"That I don't know, maybe it's something important."
"Whatever it is tell me when you need to come home,
you know when dinner is so just call before then."

They arrived at the temple shortly afterwards.
'A bit worn down then what I remember.' Y/n thought.
"Alright thanks for the ride Ray." He waved goodbye to his brother, grabbed his bag and walked up to the entrance. He hesitated before knocking. There he was greeted by Reita.

"Just on time! Come on in! I actually cleaned up this time, no magazines on the ground this time!"
"Good, I don't want to step on crunchy socks this time Reita." Y/N shuddered thinking about it.

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