I am no catboy maid (50k special)

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The next morning still third person pov:

  Y/n slowly awoke from his peaceful sleep and dragged himself out of bed. He hated Wednesdays, the despair filled day was before Thursday which is also behind Friday which is the end of the week. So close yet so far. Right on the middle of the week. He looked himself over after he got dressed.

The boy grabbed his bag,a bagel and his glasses he left in his nightstand. He exited his home to see his boyfriend waiting for him at the front of the lawn.
"Sorry to keep you waiting,"
'It's fine I wasn't waiting for long,'

Y/n put his hands behind his head as he was walking beside Saiki.
"I heard a rumor about a fundraiser they're doing. The students are gonna vote on what the event will be."
'One of the suggestions from a student was to have a cat boy maid café,'

"Seems like a pain, apparently we might be having a cat boy maid café as the fundraiser."
"I'm not sure though, I wouldn't mind having to wear a maid dress."
'I wouldn't mind ei-'

"Hey buddies!"
The two boys turn around to see the butt chined idiot speed walking behind them. Like a lost puppy the young jet black wings was following behind.
"Oh hey guys,"

"Did you hear about the fundraiser Río? The student council already decided!"
Y/n made a surprise face at the statement.
"They're doing a cross dressing maid café, and they need volunteers."

Y/n out his hands on his hips and proudly stated,
"Then, I'll do it! Kaidou you're doing it with me."
"Because you're a twink,"
"What's a twink?"

There was a long silence before Y/n started to walk away.
"W-wait! Río what's a twink?!"
Sadly the was never answered. Once the boys entered the school Río and few other boys were bombarded with questions by a group of alumni.

"Are you gonna participate in the fundraiser?!"
"I would literally pay to see you in a maid dress,"
"You're pretty,I'm pretty let's go to my place and stare at each other,"

More recently Río has been quite the big ticket item to his fellow classmates. No matter their gender or age a good handful of students seem to be enchanted by him. It became a steady increase since he got there. He even had a small fan club.

Río was trying to answer the questions being thrown at him.
"I mean I'll participate since it's a fundraiser-"
But he quickly caught the gaze of his boyfriend who was glaring at the group.
"Class is gonna start soon, I promise to get back to all of you after,"

  The clump of students slowly dispersed and the boys could get to their classroom on time. Although Saiki doesn't like to admit it but he very much dislikes when Y/n gets crowded by people.

  The class's attention was caught by the teacher clapping.
"Alright class, today we're having a fundraiser. Although of you apply it's not guaranteed you'll make it in. You guys voted and the student council gave out the results yesterday. 60% of the votes were for,"

  The teacher sighed before saying,
"A cat boy maid café. 20% was for a bake sale and the rest 20% was for smaller categories. We will be taking volunteers today and tomorrow so we can get started on Friday,"

It was quite obvious that a few people were celebrating. Río and Saiki was too but to an extent.
'I know I'm gonna volunteer but other the Kaidou I don't know who would do it.'

The teacher walked around passing a flayer for the fundraiser to all of the male students.
"You can sign up on the paper I handed out. Sorry girls the council decided to have it males only. Oh and one more thing, you will be paid of you participate."

An odd transfer student (Saiki x Mexican male reader)Where stories live. Discover now