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After I made it to my room I leaned onto my bed and screamed into the pillow. Then I heard Ray walk into my room.
"Hey dude what happened?"
I sighed and explained.

"I think you're overreacting a bit Y/n. Well yeah you like him and get all happy but it could be worse."
To me Ray was like a mentor similar to my parents. He taught me everything I know especially since he's one of the most talented mediums I know.

I've seen him channel ghost before and it's absolutely amazing.
Something straight out of Ace attorney if you will.
Besides the point I couldn't ask for a better older brother.

"Also Mom said you need to help her and I with an important client"
"Oh! Right yeah"
"We have to get into the dumb 'uniform' mom gave us so hurry up"

He left my room and I looked in my closet for it. There I spotted it,grabbed it and slipped into it. I proceeded to look myself in the mirror and think
' I look like Toritsuka but worse somehow'

I soon left my room with my bag in tow and my brother. Since most of my mom's clients are business men we had to present ourselves well. Especially since they pay a lot of money.

I quickly ran down the street to my mom's "office" and knocked on the door. There she opened it and sat us down in her side of the table across the client.

"These are my two of my three boys Mr.Saiko, they're both great at predicting"
I could feel the man was staring at Ray and I noticing every little thing and judging us. I pulled out my various cards while Ray took out his crystal ball.

I'm not one to completely trust these things but they sure do predict well. Im also not a full fledged medium. Ray and my mom are though. As I was shuffling a card flew out of my hand and onto the table. A sign of a big change.I grabbed the card and flipped it over.
"Apparently some moving will be happening soon. How exciting!"
My mother said happily.

Mr.Saiko seemed surprised at this but only said
"I see that you people aren't just faking it."
I was getting a bit pissed but I was getting paid so I didn't say anything.
I laid all of my cards faced down and said
"Pick three cards, one for the past,one for the present, and one for the future"

As he picked up the cards I got another vision. Apparently someone named Pendeja-Sama would forget to put a timeskip warning saying that she was skipping to where Saiko was transferring.

Besides that Mr.Saiko picked the cards and it seemed like he was going to be getting very lucky though that's what we have to say sometimes.
"Ah it seems like you got the same 'moving' prediction. It also feels like you have a son who will be going to the same school we are. Huh, odd"

I feel like I've heard this dudes last name somewhere but I don't remember where.
"Y/n? You good?"
I shook my head and came back to reality.
"Oh! Right I'm fine just deep in thought"

Mr.Saiko stared at me,making me feel a bit weird. Ray soon started his prediction while my mom was preparing for a channeling.
Ray was in silence for a while until he said,
"It appears that your son will only be able to have one new friend at our school."

Mr.Saiko was clearly shocked by this and he muttered under his breath, "How specific"

My mom had guided him to the room for channeling and Ray followed.
I couldn't go with them since I wasn't old enough.

I walked to the front desk and sat down. I closed my eyes for a bit but was interrupted by a voice,
I opened one eye and saw Kaidou there.
"Oh, hey Kaidou. What're you doing here dude?"

He stood there silent for 10 seconds and I realized what he wanted.
"Right now I can only do my cards so sadly I can't do a full appointment."

He seemed happy with that so I pulled out my cards.
"I'm sure you know to pick 3 cards right"
He nodded and picked them out.

He handed over them over to me and they were quite boring.
'I don't want to lie to him but I don't want him to be upset'
He was happily waiting for my prediction.
'A little white lie couldn't hurt anyone right?'

"Looks like you're living a pretty good life and you're happy with it. It also looks like you'll have a significant other soon as well!"
Kaidou stood there in shock with a red face.
"C-can you tell me their name?"

'Hmm, let's see. I'm just going to go with A.'
"I feels like their name starts with an A"

He took awhile to let it sink in but soon he stuttered a "T-thank y-you Río"
He left the office and on time since I saw that Mr.Saiko was leaving the room and heading out.
I waved at him and said "Thank you for coming! Please use our services aga-,"

He left before I could finish my sentence.
'What an ass,'
I walked to where my mom and Ray were.
"Good work everyone,"
My mom said as she was counting the money Mr.Saiko gave her.

Ray and I didn't really know how much that was but we knew it was good.
Soon Ray and I were told to go back home since soon it would be getting dark.

As we were walking for some reason I heard footsteps.
I stopped in my tracks while Ray kept walking. After a bit I kept walking but I heard them again.
'I know they aren't mine, OH SHIT WHAT IF I'M BEING FOLLOWED. Wait, am I about to get kidnapped right now? Damn what made them chose me.'

I quickly shook my head and walked. I sighed and just turned around. Gladly I turned quick enough to see Teruhashi jump behind a corner.
'This bitch- wait, why was she following me?'

I stared at the corner where she was standing.
"I saw you, no need to try and hide,"
I heard her gasp a little but she still didn't move. I sighed again and left.
After awhile

On my way I heard more footsteps. At this point I was tired so I didn't care if I hurt her feelings.
I quickly whipped around and said
"Stop following me Teruhashi, I don't care about your reasoning I don't give a shit"

But instead of Teruhashi I saw Toritsuka. My face went red while Toritsuka kept silent for a while.
Then he burst out laughing.
"You thought I was Teruhashi?! PFFT-"

He wouldn't stop laughing for a solid minute. When he calmed down he started talking.
"What's with the getup?"
I remembered my 'uniform' and internally cringed.

"Ah this, this is just a uniform my mother makes us wear for appointments"

We talked for a while until it got dark.I said my goodbyes and headed home.

An odd transfer student (Saiki x Mexican male reader)Where stories live. Discover now