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It had been four days

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It had been four days.

Four days since he'd last seen Sakari, four days since he could even recall having peace of mind, four days since he'd had a good night's rest, four days since his mind rested for even a second without flashbacks and bad memories.

Ever since last Saturday, he hadn't been at peace. He was thinking about her constantly, and he had absolutely no access to her. He knew she wouldn't answer but he tried to call anyway, only to be greeted with the fact that he was blocked—which didn't surprise him.

When Sakari was upset, she cleared the subject of her anger from her fully. He knew as soon as he saw her leave his building, he wasn't gonna see her again until he could force his way to her, and he was determined to do exactly that.

"Khi, don't you have a midterm right now?" Trae asked, entering the dorm.

"Went early this morning to take it," he replied. He could barely focus on that test, he knew his grade wasn't what it could be, and he'd have to make that up soon, but his mind was everywhere but where it was supposed to he.

Trae nodded, keeping an eye on him. Ever since Saturday, he felt like he had to watch Khi a little more than usual. He was walking around like he was lost all the time, as if he didn't know where he was or what he was doing.

To be completely transparent, Traveon was scared. He'd never seen the two fight, he didn't know what Sakari was like when she was angry, and most of all, he never knew what Mekhi was like without Sakari. Since they met, he always had her, she was like his backbone—at least that's what Trae used to always say.

So now, to see him completely spineless was nerve wracking.

"You seen Aja?" Khi asked looked up hopefully at Trae.

He nodded with a sigh, sitting down at his desk. Trae himself hadn't seen Sakari since Saturday either. It was like when she turned that corner she disappeared, not just from view but from school altogether. He wouldn't be surprised if she was in Texas right now.

"W-what she say? She seen Kari?" he asked, sitting up.

"She has," he nodded. "They ain't telling me shit either Mekhi, I don't know what you were expecting. They gon know whenever I ask, it's really you asking and they're not fucking wit' you bro," he explained, and solemnly.

"I-I was...I just don't want her to be sad and crying because of me, I—" he sighed. "I fucked it up," he ran his hands down his face.

Trae had never seen this side of Khi, and it wasn't normal for him to be down for so many days consecutively. Not to mention Trae could tell his anxiety was on ten. He wasn't sleeping, barely eating and he was falling behind on his work. The only thing he was doing was that paper.

"Khi, bro you really need to talk to—"

"Sakari. I need to talk to her," he cut Trae off, and he only sighed.

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