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After Christmas and a very relaxing New Years, Khi and Kari were back at school

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After Christmas and a very relaxing New Years, Khi and Kari were back at school. They of course had the option now to drive back up to North Carolina separately, but they didn't want to. For one, they didn't think it'd make sense, they'd just be driving a full 16 hours instead of splitting, plus, they'd have a car to drive when they came back in February for the weekend—for Dre and Tam's anniversary.

So, they took Khi's Honda back down, and they'd been back for about a week and a half now, Sakari's birthday drawing closer and closer. January 17th was an important day to him, he always made a big deal of her birthday, even if she didn't.

"So, Ima ask her today," Trae interrupted his thoughts as they walked to the gym. The season was done, but they still worked out every other day. It was especially good for Khi to keep a routine.

"Today?! For real?!" Khi stopped in his tracks with a grin. "You taking her out or something?"

"Yeah, we going to dinner—fancy ass place I saw. I hope she say yes," he sighed anxiously.

"She will bro," Khi nodded knowingly. "Y'all been talking for a while, she probably waitin' on you," he nudged him. "Look at my boy settling down man!"

"Aight, aight," Trae chuckled. "Leave me alone. She just...Aja different. I'an even exaggerating when I say I never dealt wit' nobody like her. Make me wanna move different and shit," he explained.

"Aw shit," he hyped, pushing at his shoulder. "She changing the kid! I'm happy for you bro, y'all good together," he complimented as they reached Trae's car.

"Thank you," Trae said, a small smile etched into his face. "Now if we could get Dontae to stop being a whore—"

"Hell would fucking freeze over if that nigga stop being a slut. I would play some numbers that damn day," he scoffed, making Trae laugh loudly, starting the car up.

"He's hopeless," Trae agreed. "At least the nigga safe with it. But, do we gotta go get your car from Kari or?"

"Nah, nah, she keeping it. Her and her friends going somewhere, I'on remember," he shrugged.

"This nigga in love. Don't even know where his car at," Trae chuckled, heading toward the diner they always ate at after practice or workouts—almost completely canceling out all the work they just did with food.

"She gon take care of it," he laughed. "My girl responsible,"

"One of y'all need to be," he teased.

"Fuck you," Khi laughed.

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