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"Finals finna kick my ass," Khi sighed, leg bouncing underneath his desk as he and Sakari sat in his room, attempting to study

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"Finals finna kick my ass," Khi sighed, leg bouncing underneath his desk as he and Sakari sat in his room, attempting to study. Kari was doing a pretty good job getting through her material, but Mekhi had been struggling for a little bit, and she didn't want to hover over him, so she'd let him come to her.

"You're gonna be good, Pop. You just gotta take your time, don't force it," she said, looking up from her own notes.

"Yeah," he sighed, starting to tap his pen now. Summer vacation was quite literally in a week and a half and finals were approaching starting tomorrow and into the end of the next week, and everyone had been locked in their dorms or in the library studying.

Kari was not excluded, this was the first time she'd seem Khi in two days in person, between class, studying and sports they were both busy. Unfortunately for him, Mekhi also got burned out more quickly than most and at this point he was fried.

"You frustrated?" she raised her brows as he simply looked away from her. "Mekhi? It's okay if you are. Take a break," she said.

"I can't keep taking breaks man," he sighed, running his hand down his face. "I can't sit still for thirty damn minutes lately I don't understand why it's this bad," he expressed, clear irritation in his voice. She knew it wasn't directed at her so she didn't take his tone personally.

She shut her laptop and slid it away from her and walked over to his desk, placing her hands on his shoulders and rubbing gently, trying to get him to relax. She knew, like everyone in his family knew, when he got frustrated he got mad very quickly and she didn't want that at all.

"It's just annoying, I been doing good! Now finals come and my shit wanna act up, like it's extremely irritating, Kari," he reached back and attached his hands to one of her wrists. "You think I should get back on medication?" he wondered.

"Khi you hated that medication," she furrowed her eyebrows, and he leaned his head back on his chair to look up at her. "Why would you get back on it?"

"Because," he sighed. "I been having such a hard time, I guess I figured it could help with school at least," he shrugged.

It was true, though. In his freshman year of high school, Mekhi thought he should try to start on medication for his ADHD. High school would be a brand new challenge and a whole boatload of distractions for him, and for a little bit it did make him focus much better and for longer, but it also made him feel some bad things that he felt weren't worth it at the time.

His appetite decreased, once the medication wore off, he was extremely irritable, and when he was on it he couldn't sleep a wink. He felt like his brain was in slow motion, he was just in a permanent funk, and he expressed this to his parents, who had begun to notice. He was off of it before the first semester of school was over, so naturally Sakari was confused that he suggested it again.

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