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It was around noon—two days later

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It was around noon—two days later. Kari and Khi were finally gearing up to leave for Texas, to head home for Christmas and winter break. Trae was gone, Aja flew out that morning, and Jelani was getting dropped off at the airport by the two now.

"Y'all have a good Christmas! Don't forget to send me pictures when you open my gifts, and take a mistletoe picture or I'm whooping y'all ass," she said seriously.

"What if there's no—"

"Find it," she cut Khi off, making Kari laugh. "Okay lemme go. Bye y'all!" she chuckled. "Bye Khi's girlfriend," she teased to Sakari, nudging her side playfully, making her blush.

"Goodbye, Jelani," she giggled, giving her friend a hug.

After they saw her off, it was back to the Honda for the new couple. The day after everything happened, Sakari was on cloud nine—she still was honestly, she couldn't believe this was actually happening and so easily too.

Although, them slipping into relationship mode was quite the transition. They weren't at all used to kissing, so sometimes they forgot. Like today—Sakari didn't remember kissing him once since he picked her up three hours ago. She figured they'd get used to it eventually.

He opened her door, and she thanked him before sliding in the front seat, and immediately yawning before he could see. She was ready to fall asleep on him any moment.

"You ready? Hungry?" he asked, starting the car up.

"Um...a little, but if you wanna just go we can," she shrugged.

"I'm dying of starvation, can't you tell in my face," he pointed, dramatically hollowing his cheeks to make his slim face look skinner.

"Okay, dramatic. Let's get something and we can eat while we go," she suggested. The hotel his parents got was farther into Georgia so their 8 hours was looking a little stretched this time. They were set to get there around 8:45, and she didn't want him driving too late.

He nodded, and they decided on Zaxby's, causing Khi to speed there like he was actually dying.

They said a quick prayer over to food and for a safe drive, then they were on the road to their first destination.

"Good day in my mind safe to take a step out," she sang quietly to herself, staring out the window sipping her drink, prompting Khi to look over at her, twice. His smile was small as he watched her in short spurts, before deciding to bother her.

"Uh, we gon have to get you situated in this girlfriend role," he teased, watching her blush.

"We are? What am I missing?" she asked, setting her drink down. "Teach me,"

"Lesson one: feeding your man while he drives," he pointed at the food sitting in his lap. "You know if I start eating we gon crash,"

"Khi you eat and drive all the time," she chuckled. "You are so dramatic,"

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