Called to the palace

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(Y/n)s pov:

I watched the guards as they stood at attention, glaring at the air in front of themselves. I chuckled with a wave of my hands, bending some water above the snow arch, letting it heat up dripping into the snow.

"You guys should really chill out" I whispered to myself as the water came to a boil uncompressing the snow.

The arch collapsed onto the guards covering the brutes in slush and sluggy snow. I burst out laughing letting my snorts take over, I felt a sharp sting as a water whip wrapped itself around my ankle. I boiled off the whip scampering down the hill, skating down the streets by bending the ice to melt the top layer.

If being of slight fire nation decent helped with one thing it was heating up water. The skin around my ankles started to numb, my eyes darted down to my legs slowing down slightly. A trail of ice was making its way up my leg.

I looked back up and just skated faster, kicking off some of the ice. I turned into a back alley avoiding the gasps and stares of the villagers. My guess is it was one of the more ruthless guards like Tinica or Nadou, something that I was gonna be feeling for a while if I got caught.

I leaned forwards trying to go as fast as possible, the breath of someone sounded from behind me, they were getting closer. I raised the temperature of the ice around me to glide faster.

Whoever was following me didn't hesitate and their breath didn't pant or show any signs of tiredness, I made a sharp turn trying to lead them to the glaciers. A whip off icy water hit the small of my back knocking me forward sending me rolling forwards, slamming into a glacier.

I steadied myself as my vison doubled, a tall tanned man was standing in front of me. "Prince Desna? I mean um your majesty" I coughed awkwardly shaking snow out of my now damp hair.

"You are (y/n) (l/n), correct?" prince Desna asked looking at me curtly. I nodded with a grin.

"(y/n)'s the name pranks are the game" I said out stretching my hand for him to shake, he promptly ignored it. I stood up rocking back and forth on my heels to try and ease some of the tension.

"We've had to deal with enough of your pranks" he said promptly disregarding my friendliness.

"Just works of art aren't they" I said putting my hand down awkwardly and backing off with a nervous laugh. "Well I aughta be off" I stated with a hesitant chuckle, looking behind me.

"Your not going anywhere, your coming with me" he said looming in front of me, crossing his arms with a glare.

"You could at least buy me dinner first" I teased before feeling a sharp pain to my temple. In my defence it was too good of a joke not to make.

Time skip.

"Ugh god" I groaned sitting up in discomfort, my head was throbbing and my hands had pins and needles.

"Desna, I didn't ask you to knock her out, she may not respond clearly now" a stern feminine voice spoke with obvious annoyance. My eye sight started spotting as a tried to open my eyes.

"She was getting on my nerves, I apologise sister" the voice of Desna spoke with a ghost of resentment. I opened my eyes letting them focus on the scene before me, chief Eska was sitting on an ice throne while Desna stood beside her, they were both staring at me with identical glares.

"If your wondering it wasn't me who melted that clinic, that was a fire bender brat that threw a hissiefit" I spoke trying to rack my brain of things that could get me in this deep of shit.

"Your not in trouble, at least not totally" chief Eska spoke crossing her legs daintily, I sighed in relief.

"Oh, so why did you get huff and puff over here to drag me here?" I asked standing up and stretching, shaking the numbness from my hands.

"My brother will be going on a slightly dangerous court case in Zaofu, I need a truely skilled water bender to protect him and as much of an annoyance you have been to me and my guards, you have proven your advanced bending is more than adequate and that your fairly intelligent" Eska explained while Desna stood slightly wide eyed, well as wide eyed as he got with his blankface.

"With all due respect and whatever, I don't think I can do that your highness, I've got rent due and your brother doesn't look very pleased with your choice in guards either" I reasoned turning around with a shrug, I had so much more things to be doing rather than being a royal baby sitter.

"Well how about it put it this way, you will guard my brother on his diplomatic travels to Zaofu" chief Eska spoke, sharp icicles started forming above my head, I laughed nervously, and turned back around to Eska.

"Ah well um when you put it like that I literally can't refuse" I agreed with a sigh, crossing my arms and cursing at her in my mind.

"Don't worry about your rent, I will cover it once you both arrive back, think of it as a payment" chief Eska said, most likely noticing my frustrated expression.

"Prepare your bags, your leaving tomorrow, the trip is for 14 days" Eska stated as the large ice doors opened. I just nodded and walked out, stupid cheif with stupid privilege and stupid threatening.

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