Day 5: recognition

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(Y/n)s pov:

"Hey (y/n), it's time to get up" Huan said nudging my shoulder.

"Hmm five more minutes" I groaned rolling over on the mattress I slept on.

"(Y/n), your gonna have to go get Desna" Huan said pushing me off of the mattress.

"You know if I wasn't so depressed I would punch you" I said glaring at Huan.

"Go take a shower you smell like shit and look like a sad cat-owl " Huan said rolling his eyes. I sat up reluctantly.

"HEY shut your face, I have good reason" I said stretching my back and yawning.

At the hotel

Desna And I were silent as I escorted him to the main hall of the town. It felt wrong....

As we arrived at the hall he started glaring at Huan. Noticing the tension I wanted to find an excuse to leave.

"I'm gonna go get a tub of water, for uh protection purposes" I said leaving the awkward room.

Desna's pov:

"Did you touch her" I snarled at Huan, glaring daggers at him. I wanted him to just drop dead where he stood.

"What?" Huan asked nonchalantly, crossing his arms.

"Did. You. Touch. (Y/n)" I growled grabbing his shirt.

"No I didn't (y/n) and I are purely platonic why do you ask water boy" Huan spat glaring at me.

"She's my...I'm...that's none of your business" I said letting go of him angrily. I couldn't admit my feelings.

"You love her" Huan said with a smirk.

"Shut your mouth" I snarled glaring at the floor underneath me.

"You know all last night she was crying about that fight you two had" he said smirking at me.

"What?" I asked whipping my head up at him, a pit of guilt settled itself in my gut.

"All night, ahe ahe he thinks I'm a women-child ahe ahe, ahe ahe ahe he hates me ahe" Haun mimicked, making crying noises.

My guilt worsened. I made her cry..... I did that....

"She loves you and you love her, hurry up and get together already" Huan said face palming.

"I-I will" I replied completely speechless.

After the court case.

(Y/n) stood next to me as the crowd filed out. "I should be at the hotel to pick you up by 6:30" (y/n) said in a monotone voice.

I didn't say anything, I just watched her. She was standing up straight, she had a poker face on and she was keeping head down, like the perfect body guard.

"Ok" I said stepping into the automobile.

"Good night" I said as the car started. As I got to the hotel I heard puffed breaths, I turned around to see a puffed out (y/n) and a trail of ice.

"H-Huan kicked me out" she puffed placing her hands on her knees, panting.

"Oh ok" I said turning around and continuing inside, she followed. The tension was thick as we both sat down on our beds.

(Y/n) got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower" she said taking off her jumper, throwing it on her bed.

This was the first time she didn't have more then two layers on. I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

I sighed as the door closed.

(Y/n)s pov:

I sighed as I closed the door.

Was I too harsh? Should I have apologised?...

I walked over to the bath tub and turned on the hot water. Soon enough the room was filled with steam and the bath was full.

I undressed, throwing my clothes in the corner without a care.

I sat in the bath sighing in comfort. The warm water surrounded my body giving me a kind of security.

I picked up a droplet of water with my bending. Just juggling the water between my hands put a smile on my face. I heard a crash from outside, I sat up quickly.

"Desna?! What's happening?" I yelled, hopping out of the bath and grabbing a towel.

"HURRY WE HAVE A PROBLEM" he yelled back. I scattered to get my clothes on.

I heard another large crash as I was putting on my bra. I only had my pants and bra on, I had to go now in case Desna was in danger.

I busted open the door and picked up the water from my tub as to defend myself. There was several men in green and yellow.

"DESNA" I yelled passing him some water. I boiled the water in my hands and threw it at the attackers as Desna opened the hotel door.

I took his hand in mine and ran towards the docks, as we ran more men started tailing us. I noticed an empty boat.

That was our ticket out. I made a ramp out of ice and pushed desna onto the boat. I froze some icicles and did a motion of pushing my arms forwards sending them at our attackers.

I cut the rope connecting the boat to the deck. I started doing an intricate movement to form a large wave as desna sent frozen discs to the attackers.

I finished the movement and we were sent miles back towards the icy sea. I laid down tired, that took a lot out of me.

"(Y/n) are you ok" desna asked rushing over to me.

"No Desna, I'm cold and tired" I said not moving from my place on the floor.

He picked me up and carried me towards the hull of the boat. I tried to protest but of course he didn't listen.

In the hull there was a small bed, he placed me down on it as I slipped into slumber.

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