Day 2: shes just that bad

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(Y/n)s pov:

My eyes fluttered open as I looked up at my rooms ceiling. The boat rocked back and forth, I could hear the sounds of the moving water from inside. It was almost peaceful, a loud knock sounded from my door.

I groaned and dejectedly got up from soft bed, trenching up to the door in distain. I opened the door hoping to not see Desna at this ungodly hour. Amka was standing at the door with a flower, it was a single blue rose.

"Hehe (y/n) I was wondering if we could organise a meeting tonight, ya know so I can take your other flower" he said passing me the rose with a bright smile.

"You woke me up at 6 am to ask for a booty call that could have waited, and it's a little bold of you to assume that you could even get the chance to be mine let alone my first" I growled, my eye twitching. His smile dropped, chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ah well I um well I thought" Amka said cracking under my glare.

"That's seriously weak, you said you were chill, this is not chill, I'm not sleeping with you" I growled my grip on the door tightening, he stared back at me with wordless shock and confusion.

"Ugh well um I-" he started with a look of embarrassment painting his face, I rolled my eyes and ran a hand down my face.

"Just go" I huffed, glaring at him intensely, the nerve to wake me up at this hour to get his dick wet. He walked off with his head held low.

I sighed and started walking towards the ships kitchen. "You might wanna shut up before I make you, prince dickwad" Amka's deep voice growled, I groaned and walked out into the hallway to see what was happening now.

Desna pov:

Amka walked past me with an annoyed sigh. "You should have kept it in your pants" I jeered quietly. I new it wasn't the most princely thing to do but I couldn't help it, he got turned down so royally it was impossible not to laugh at him.

"You might wanna shut up before I make you, prince dickwad" he growled clenching his hands into fists, I looked him up and down.

"Or what you'll punch me, just as I thought a stupid brute" I said rolling my eyes. He glared at me as I sniggered, Amka growled swinging his large fist at me. I flinched, raising my arms up in defence.

He stopped midway, his feet and legs were frozen. I looked behind Amka, (y/n) was standing there with a scowl on her face, she held a dry looking blue rose.

"Let me go!" Amka growled trying to move out of the ice, (y/n) sighed in annoyance.

"Be a douche, sure what ever, try and sabotage my pay and the prince and we have a problem, a big problem.." she growled cracking her knuckles, I looked between the two of them with slight worry.

"Prince Desna, go get the captain for me" she growled glaring at Amka, I huffed at her.

"I'm not a servant" I said rolling my eyes. She glared at me with her piercing (e/c) eyes, they lacked her usual goofy look and were now stern and serious.

"That's why I'll be going off of my own will" I said turning away to find the captain, crossing my eyes with a scowl.

Time skip

"I'm so sorry for my sons behaviour, I can assure you that it will not happen again" the captain assured glaring at his son in shame.

"Hm good" (y/n) grumbled crossing her arms and turning away from the father and son. "Prince Desna, come with me" she said dragging me to her room through the hallways of the ship, I looked up at her in confusion as we walked.

"What are you-?" I started as she stood in front of me, her eyes dragged over my body. I felt almost insecure under her gaze.

"Did he hurt you" she asked staring at me in worry. It was a side of her I hadn't seen, the insecurity dissolving.

"No, you got to him in time" I said looking away from her as she scanned my body for signs of injury.

"Good, now get" she said rolling her shoulder blades. Back to her normal self.

"Why were you so upset" I asked her standing up, with a slight pout.

"Well think of it this way, you get a real nice parka, it's all fluffy and soft, your being paid to keep it clean and some one try's to throw mud at it" she explained with a small frown, I scoffed at her analogy. I wasn't as delicate as a coat.

"Hmf, I can bend, I could've of taken him" I grumbled rolling my eyes.

"Sure, you would've have a nice shiner to prove it too" she said laughing. She took a deep breath in before speaking. "All right lets go up deck" she said smiling cheekily, I shrugged.

"Sure" I groaned softly walking behind her.

(Y/n)s pov:

I took a deep breath of the salty mist. It felt so nice to be out on the ocean. I walked out to the far side of the ship. "Ms (y/n), right?" the captain's voice asked behind me.

"Ah yes sir" I said turning to face him. I hope he wasn't mad at me for threatening his son.

"I hope I'm not interupting you, but I couldn't help but notice that necklace your wearing" he said pointing towards the item of jewelry.

"Oh yeah this it's a ring it was given to me by my grandmother before she passed, it's inscribed in ancient Fire nation kanji" I said playing with the chain.

"Do ya know what it says, lass?" He asked me eyeing the piece, I shook my head. It was one hung that bugged me about the inheritance piece.

"No clue, for all I could know it could say never feed turtleducks sour milk" I said stretching my arms out with a smile.

"Ey, you could probably get someone in Zaofu to translate it" he suggested nodding at me softly, he was right, it was the city of innovation so there was probably gaggles of linguistics.

"If I may, why did you point it out" I asked slipping it into my parka.

"Oh no reason, looks lovely on you, lassy" he complemented taking a puff of his pipe.

"Thank you sir" I said smiling kindly. He looked out onto the water with a gaze I couldn't quite pin point.

"Your welcome, and I really am sorry for my son, Amka is narrow minded in some ways, a kind girl like you shouldn't have to put up with that, if I may suggest find someone that will bicker with your personality almost like you were made to oppose each other" he said bowing his head to me.

Oppose me? Really? What kinda awful boyfriend would he be?

"(Y/n)" Desna yelled from the front of the ship. I groaned walking over to the royal.

"You called, princy" I responded, stretching my hands in boredom.

"I'm giving you a brief itinerary of our trip, the first three days we will be on the water another seven days we will be in Zaofu for one day we will be in a nearby earth kingdom city, we will take the final three days to travel back to the northern water tribe" He described tracing his finger on a map.

"That's all good and dandy but are there any ancient translaters or fire nation elders" I asked Desna leaning on his shoulder.

"Get off me, I'm not sure about fire nation elders but I'm fairly confident that some philogists reside in Zaofu, why do you ask" he replied raising an eyebrow suspisously.

"Gotta get this little lady translated" I answered pulling out my ring.

"We do not have time for such trivial things" Desna said rolling his eyes.

"You listen here and you listen good princy, were getting this thing translated" I growled pulling on Desna's collar.

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