Day 8: avatar Szeto

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(Y/n)s pov:

I was thrown into a brightly lit room, it had statues of the avatars in it but only the fire nation avatars were in good shape, the rest looked decrepit and uncared for.

Someone has a bias..

"Girl you will summon avatar Szeto, go to his shrine" the voice of the man that attacked us shouted.

"Come out you coward" I yelled looking around the room. He wasn't in here though, maybe he was outside.

"You will not speak like that in the avatars presence" the voice yelled.

"Who's even is this Seato dude and how am I going to summon him" I yelled back to the voice.

"The 2nd fire avatar, and trust me he will respond to you" the voice replied slyly. I walked over to the statue in question, it was about 6,2, he was dressed in a red robe.

He looked old and skinny. I sat down in front of the shrine, I closed my eyes with a sigh.

"I feel stupid" I said annoyed with the antics of whoever kidnapped me.

"Shut it girl" the voice growled. I stayed in that position for at least 30 minutes.

I went to stand up then got transported to some sort of dream world. I looked up. There were several people I didn't know.

My grandmother was there and another 5 people I didn't know. "Hello child" the man that looked like the statue said.

"Y-Your avatar uh um Stitzo" I said hesitantly.

"Szeto" the avatar said giving me a frown.

"Ah Yes sir" I apologised backing away towards my grandmother.

"Darling don't worry he's one of your ancestors" an old women I didn't know said pushing me forward.

"Your great great great great grandfather to be exact" grandma said with a nod.

"Let me explain why your here, you were kidnapped by a cult leader, they believe in the ideology of sozin and ozai, they are trying to reawaken all of the fire nation avatars to help with there conquest, of course they will fail, they believed that you could contact me as you are an oracle and my granddaughter" Szeto said as I sat next to him.

"Is that what the ring means" I asked him pulling out my ring.

"Precisely, and not only that as I was watching over you I noticed that you were interested in that water tribe boy, our clan is well renowned for our oracle work in love" Szeto said slinging an arm over my shoulder.

I blushed heavily. "Like mother like daughter I say" grandma said rolling her eyes.

"You never did like Nuniq did you Koharu" an older woman said to my grandma. She wasn't wrong, she was always picking on my dad.

"Oh shush mother" grandma said rolling her eyes.

"I say you should go for him dear" my great grandmother said taking my hand in hers.

"I doubt he likes me back but I'll try" I said with a shrug. She shook her head with a laugh.

"My child you will need help escaping the cultists, they will not let you leave after they find you can contact me, I will give you my fire bending to escape, use it wisely" Szeto said as I fell back onto the tile of the temple.

"QUICKLY GRAB HER SHE CONTACTED SZETO" the leader yelled pointing towards me. As if it was instinct I started bending but rather then it being water a blue flame erupted from my hands, as if I was pulling it from the torches on the wall.

"HAH" I yelled sending fire balls towards the cultists. I went through about 5 of the guards before no more guards came to fight me, the leader had ran away once I burnt him.

I ran out of the large door. I kept running through the temple, defending myself as I needed. I finally clambered down a stair case.

I busted open an oak door with my bending.  I was greeted with a frozen tundra, there was no sign of any sort of civilisation.

Tears filled my eyes, I was tired, I was hungry and I was cold. I started sobbing in frustration.
Why was nothing working! Did I still have my water bending.

I tried bending the ice, thankfully it still followed my command. I breathed out heavily while warm tears made there way down my face.

"You look like shit" a familiar voice said behind me, I turned around with wide eyes.

"Amka?" I asked. He smiled in reply, I smiled in the comfort of someone familiar, I then got suspicious.

Why is Amka here? Isn't he just a fisherman's son?!?

"Why are you here" I asked him stepping backwards. Amka started laughing.

"Your very stupid, you know that" Amka said throwing a boulder at me, I dodged and glared at him.

"YOU TRAITOR" I yelled the flames in my hand got larger as I lunged at Amka, he screamed as the flames came in contact with his body, the flames ate away at his clothing I watched as he writhed around in the compacted snow.

It refused to put out, I watched him scream and scream then all of a sudden it just stopped.

He was dead. I killed him. I killed Amka.

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