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"Hello everyone!" Will said to the Camera. "Today I am here with Red Bull's current drivers, Max Verstappen and Pierre Gasly. Former drivers, Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo. And...Red Bull legend, Giselle Senna. Today we'll be talking about their own racing careers and have a special announcement at the end." 

"Let's do this!" Daniel exclaimed. 

"Alright, so Max. When you first started at Red Bull, Giselle moved to Mercedes, but rumor has it she helped with your transition?" 

Max nodded quickly. "More with the other side of Formula 1. I guess we both have a temper and Giselle learned a bit from her mistakes. She's like a second sister to me and has helped loads." 

"Daniel, you raced with her for a was that?" 

"So, that year was amazing. I learned so much and hated that she left for Mercedes, though I did create an amazing friendship with Max." Daniel replied. 

"Pierre, will you be seeking any help from Giselle?" Will inquired. 

"Of course! I would be a fool not to along with Charles. She is so much more open than say...Lewis Hamilton and I feel more ready to help the rookies." 

I smiled. "Well, I remember my first season. If it wasn't for Michael and Seb, I would've had a harder time, but they got me through it." 

Will nodded. "That brings me to my next question, you and Seb have a unique friendship on and off the grid. Everyone thought you would be serious rivals in Red Bull, but it was the opposite. Instead, it was with Lewis Hamilton." 

"Seb was an ass," I stated. "Seb was one of the most arrogant people, I've met. Fair, he was a four-time world champion when I came." 

I leaned my head on Seb's shoulder. "But then I came along and managed to make a soft spot in his heart." 

"Giselle had a reputation of being cold, and still does. True or not still true?" he asked Seb. 

"Well...Giselle gets very in her head during races, which sometimes equates to her coming off as cold. In my own personal opinion, it's being forced to grow up too quickly." Seb replied. 

The interview went on for a bit more, while I stayed quiet. Never once did I move from Seb's shoulder, and luckily he let me stay there. The one friendship I truly valued above all others, had to be Sebastian's. Followed by Max and then Daniel. 

Max just because of his own personal struggles, and some late nights of him staying over and watching movies with me or going on a trip together. He is to me, what I am to Sebastian. Family more than friends. 

Daniel...we grew apart a bit after he left Red Bull, I got a little mad at him. Though we made up, and are back in action and best of friends again. 

"Now, Giselle has an announcement for the World of Formula 1 racing," Will stated and I sat up straighter. 

"This year is going to be an interesting year for everyone, but it will be fun. I urge each and every fan to rally behind their team in support. This year will also be my last contract year at Ferrari, I don't know if I'm staying or not so all rumors are that....rumors. When the time is right I'll announce my decision, but in till then I am committed to my team." I explained. 

"What's your advice for all the rookies?"

I thought for a moment. "There's this place when your sitting at the starting line and suddenly everyone leaves the track and it's just you and your car. Despite the engines, it's almost quiet and time seems to stand still. At that moment, that is the calm before the storm. That moment is what you need to find before every race because that's when it comes." I started explaining. 

"What is it?" Pierre asked. 

"I don't know how to explain it, but it's more like a feeling. I've also come to learn it's different for everyone, but for me, a single quote runs through my head, If you no longer go for a gap that exists, then you are no longer a racing driver. It's like I hear my father whisper it to me and then the lights go out." 

Will nodded, "Has there ever been a time where you haven't heard or had that moment?" 

"Only once, Monaco 2018." I chuckled while everyone tensed. 

Monaco 2018 was the race where I had a horrific crash. It was kind of a freak accident when my steering wheel locked up. I don't really remember much and I haven't watched the crash, but I was out for a few races but had enough points to miss and still win the WDC. 

"I remember seeing you crash," Sebastian stated. "I was behind you and then you were flipping over and over before flying into the wall. I thought you were dead." 

"I thought I was dead too. The first thought I had was, how ironic would it be that I died from a steering failure." 

I shook my head trying to get the eerie feeling I had out. I didn't like talking about that race at all, but it did show a lot of the driver's sportsmanship. Since the race was paused and we were so far away from Medics, Seb stopped his car by mine and pulled me out. He then carried me to meet the medics. 

"But yeah, that moment is something you need to find." I ended. "You have a long fulfilling life set up and people depending on you, you're also in a dangerous sport. You cannot let the fear control you, because the moment you let in the fear is when you'll make a mistake. Other than that have some fun!" 

We ended the interview on that happy note and all filed out of the room and back into the car. I let max drive on the way back, which was much tamer than the way over with me at the helm. 

"I'm ready for this season," Max stated. 

"I'm ready to get my seventh title and have a new partner!" I exclaimed. 

"Number seven, what will you do after?" Daniel asked. 

I shrugged, "Win a few more, the probably buy shares in Redbull and replace Horner as team principal, endless possibilities." 

Seb chuckled along with Max, "Well I'll be happy for you to be my team principal." Max replied. 

That would be a lot of fun for everyone. 

"So, your annual rookie dinner is tonight, with the WAGS joining as well right?" Pierre asked and I sighed heavily. 

"Between us guys, I don't even remember why I host this dinner, but knowing us there will be some drama to stir things up." 

We all laughed out loud, not even knowing what tonights event held, but it's gonna be good!

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