Prologue - 1

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This story is no longer under development.

Present Time (Summer Break before John and Sera's third year)

John laid on his bed, having just woken up on Saturday from a good night's rest, sort of, not really. He wanted to tell Sera about his ability, about his past, but wasn't sure how or when to do it. He remembered his dad, trying to think of what advice he would give him in this situation.

-"Do the right thing, son."

-'But I don't know how! How do I know New Bostin just won't repeat itself here in Wellston?!' He said to himself, wincing at the thought.

-"If you keep hiding your past from everyone, it will only come back to haunt you," explained his dad in his head, "it's the only way to truly make sure you won't repeat New Bostin.

-"I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." He said out loud. starting to tear up, not wanting to lose his best friend, remembering only what happened in New Boston.

-"Monster." He shook his head, trying to remove that memory from his mind, knowing he had done terrible things there, knowing... that he had to redeem himself. Little by little, he started to build up courage, finally deciding to pick up his phone, his goal being to text Sera when a good time to meet was in order to talk. At that moment though, his phone buzzed and a notification popped onto the screen. A message. He took one look at the notification, being from none other than the magenta-haired girl herself. Grumbling at his terrible luck, he unlocked his phone, looking to see what she had texted him.

-"Good morning, John! ☀️ I was lying in bed thinking of what to do today, and thought I should probably go shopping. I need some new workout clothes, ever since I stained the last ones. Do you wanna come with?"

-"Good morning, Sera! Regarding your question, what choice do I have? You're the one asking." John texted back, knowing full well he never had a choice in the matter to begin with.

-"Glad you agreed! I'll come by your apartment around 3. We can walk to the mall together."

-"Sure! Can we make it short this time?" He was practically begging at this point.

-"You can't rush perfection, John. Also shopping is fun! Besides, there's a new arcade game I wanna try, and I'm sure you'll like it too! Have you heard of Pac-Pig?" God damn*t.

-"Ugghhhhh, fine, and no I haven't, but I guess we can try it after shopping." He sighed, knowing it was impossible to convince her to do anything otherwise.

-"Thank you for your enthusiasm and cooperation! See you at 3!"

-"She sounds happier than usual." John said to himself.

'I don't think I'll be able to tell her today. She seems so happy! But... I don't want to stall for too long. Why does this have to be so difficult dammit?! She's such a good friend to me, but I've been acting like a cripple ever since I came to Wellston! No, I can't wait, I have to tell her today, otherwise, I don't know if I'll have the courage later.' He tried to convince himself to tell Sera, just to counter the opposite just as convincingly. He tried to think of a way to bring up the subject, but so far, to no avail. He starts to doze off, remembering how the two became friends in the first place.

6 Months Ago: Wellston (John entered his second year late into wellston)

John had just been assigned the first book report of a 3 part project, with a partner obviously not of his choosing: Seraphina.

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