Chapter 4

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Sera POV

This is becoming more and more difficult the more I think about it. John is beat up all the time, but it's been almost a whole day without anything from John. I have a hunch John really is in trouble, because he always has his phone, but if he is, I don't know if he'd use his ability or not. If he doesn't, he could be hurt, or worse. If he does, his secret might be let out, and that won't sit well with him.

The best course of action would be to find him as soon as possible, but if I try to get to any of my friends, someone might see me, which would be problematic. I don't need rumors of me being here even while being suspended going around the school. Man, I wish I could sense where other people were, like Isen's ability, or John's, then that wouldn't be a problem. Essentially, it's whether or not going out to find John causes more good or bad.

I take a deep breath and exit John's apartment. It's worth it. Now to find someone that might know.

John POV

I stand there stunned. Ventus and Meili pounce onto me, pinning me to the ground without any of my resistance. Was he just luring me into a false sense of security?

-"Surprise!" Arlo yelled with fake enthusiasm.

-"Arlo!" I look up at him, and he smirks.

-"Maybe not. Oh, wait! How rude of me? I haven't introduced these two yet!" He nodded to the purple-haired boy, "Ventus," he then nodded to the burgundy-haired girl, "and Meili." He then turned back to me. "Although, I think you know both of them."

-"My phone! You sent them! Why?"

-"You are quite oblivious, aren't you? Have you never once wondered why I tolerated you? Why I befriended you? Why would I, Wellston's king, ever associate myself with a cripple like yourself? I quite in fact despise you."

-"Why do all of this? Like you said, I'm just a cripple. Why put in so much effort to screw with me?"

-"My dear John, you are an exception. You aren't just annoying, you're breaking the hierarchy. You act like you own the place, ignoring the hierarchy and striking up fights with any mid-tier that's putting down a low tier." A new voice pops in. Ventus.

-"Exactly! It's time you starting acting like what you are: Nothing." I stay quiet.

-"You see, this is the perfect place to teach you your position on the hierarchy. We are miles away from anyone. No one will see this, no one will hear about it."

-"What makes you think I won't tell Sera about this?"

-"You don't get it. Everything that has happened recently, was of my doing. Seraphina's suspension, our "friendship", and your protection. You've been bullied less recently, and that is because of me. You have control over nothing. I have control over everything." I sneer at him. I can't throw away what I've built up. I won't. I won't.

"What's more, ever since you arrived here at Wellston, Seraphina hasn't been the same. Skipping class, chopping her hair, taking on a different personality completely. She even removed herself of the queen position. I think it's time we show her why she shouldn't hang out with you." What does he mean by that?

"I could never take her on alone, I admit that, but a group of high-tiers not loyal to her, along with my support, could." Could he? He's bluffing, they couldn't beat Sera, right? He widens his sinister smile. "Imagine if we took out the Ace. That would be something, huh? The best part would be how to teach her a lesson. A simple beating wouldn't do. Perhaps another suspension? Perhaps some extensive torture?"

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