Chapter 6

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John POV

-"Sera!" I run over to her, still in pain from my ability over-amplification. Why didn't I just use someone else's ability? There are plenty of other speed abilities. Why use and over amplify Sera's? Hers was already weak from me not copying it in a while, and whatever happened back there, caused our abilities to be even weaker.

Priorities, John. I pull her up against the couch, and although unconscious, she winces at the movement. I slip off her jacket.

I put aside her jacket, and pull up the side of her shirt with the wound. She's lost a massive amount of blood. With the amount of running we were doing after the injury... No. Help her now, worry later. I activate Elaine's ability, wincing from recoil. I try to scan her injury. It's so difficult to sense her injury. One of her kidneys was punctured. I try to close up the internal wound as quickly as possible, as the recoil only worsens with time.

I growl in pain, almost done closing up the internal wound. With a final push, it's completely sealed. The main threat is dealt with, but her injuries are far from healed. There's no way I'll be able to deal with the rest of this. This ability dampening effect is lingering longer than I'd like. She's still losing blood, but at a much slower pace now that I had closed up the kidney. It didn't seem to have hit any arteries, but that makes sense, seeing where the wound is.

Doc won't want to be bothered... I need to get Elaine over here. I call Elaine. He'll be my back up plan. My phone buzzes, waiting for Elaine to pick up... No answer, and the voicemail line plays.

D*mmit, why doesn't she pick up? I scroll through my contacts and find Arlo. I select his name and my phone starts buzzing again.

-"What do you want, John?" Normally I'd care about his smart*ss attitude, but not now.

-"Grab Elaine and come over to my place, now!"

-"What, why?"

-"Sera's hurt, and for some reason can't rewind her injury. She's unconscious."

-"How is she—."

-"Just grab Elaine and get over here!"


I hang up. He won't be here for at least a half hour. I can't let her just bleed out. I rush and grab my first aid kit, pulling out the bandages.

After a quick cleaning of the wound, I apply some antibiotic spray. As soon as it makes contact with her wound, she naturally winces, and starts to move in complaint. I grab her arm and squeeze it, coaxing her to calm down, and she does, as she stops moving once again. I pull off her shirt, and start to carefully bandage her wound, wrapping the bandage around her. Once finished, I gently pick her up and lay her down on the couch. I grab a blanket and cover her with it, and I go to wash her shirt and jacket of the blood. Afterwards, I bring a chair next to the sofa, keeping an eye on Sera, waiting for Arlo and Elaine to come.

Elaine POV

I hum to myself while doing the dishes, thinking what to have for dinner. It's pretty empty here, without Seraphina. Even if she usually kept to herself, her presence was at least here.

As I was putting away the few clean dishes I had provided as the lone person in the dorm, a knock came from my door. I walk over to the door, calling out that I was on my way. I open the door, and see a familiar blonde-haired boy.

-"Hey Arlo! What do you need?"

-"I need you to come with me to John's place." John? Why? Arlo isn't planning anything else, is he?

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