Chapter 9

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-"So John, how are you planning to dethrone Arlo? You've beaten him before, so I don't see how it would be too difficult." Sera asks, continuing their conversation from where they left off.

-"I want to work my way up the royals one by one."

-"Wouldn't it be beneficial for you to fight Blyke, Remi, and Arlo all at once?"

-"It would, but once I get up to Arlo, I suspect they'll group up anyway as a last resort."

-"I still don't see why you would go one by one. If what you said is true, then it's all the more reason that you do challenge all 3 at the same time."

-"I want to use each match as an opportunity to show how our social system is flawed. The more, the better."

-"How are you going to do that?" Sera inquires. John scratches his head and breaks a wide smile.

-"I haven't gotten that far yet." He answers. Sera facepalms.

-"A m a z i n g. Well, this plan sounds fool-proof to me so far."

-"As long as Arlo gets the message that he's an idiot, I'll consider my job well-done."

-"In retrospect, the previous king, Rei, had a similar idea, but failed miserably in terms of execution. His plan worked temporarily, but everything went back to what it was before, if not worse, leaving him and me to clean it all up." Sera explains.

-"Arlo has ranted about him before to me. He's Remi's late brother, right?" John asked. Sera gave him a thumbs up while sipping from her drink.

-"Yup. Needless to say, she was devastated. I heard it from Arlo when he was complaining about him and their bet. He said Remi doesn't even know the details of how he died, but we both believe she knows something more."

-"Remi's always cared a bit more— scratch that, a lot more for the students than Arlo, although, she still doesn't do much." John comments, furrowing his brow and clenching his fist in anger.

-"I don't know John. It's just the way things have been. We can't change it, even if we tried." Sera answered. John looked at her with clear frustration.

-"Not with that attitude. You won't accomplish anything by believing you won't if you try anyway."

-"I guess you've got a point there." Sera confesses. "Anyways, we should head back, don't want to be missed."

-"I mean, I'm not sure if it's a rule that you have to be on school campus during school hours or not, but I know we don't have a test today. The only thing we're missing is homework." John explains. Sera purposefully produces an over exaggerated cough.

-"Maybe that's what you're missing, but I already finished tomorrow's homework. Besides, aren't you forgetting anything?" Sera sarcastically inquires. John raises his eyebrow.

-"Not everyone is as brilliant as you, oh enlightened one. Also, I don't think sooo— Oh my god I have to move my stuff into a school dorm. Aaaaahhhhhh!" John panics. Sera laughs, nearly spitting out the liquid in her mouth.

-"Relax, I'll help you. Also, don't you have very few belongings?" Sera says in a patronizing tone. John feigns hurt.

-"Oh yeah. I can't help but feel that was a back-handed compliment." John comments. Sera just shrugs.

-"Who said it was a compliment in the first place?"

-"Blyke. What are you doing?" Arlo asks, having noticed Blyke stapling papers to a bulletin board.

-"Putting up fliers." He answers.

-"I can see that. You're not the type to put up fliers, who put you up to this? Remi?" Arlo asks. 'Dang, what, he figured it out in less than 10 seconds?'

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