unOrdinary Shorts I

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John POV

Sera convinced me that I had to something for my dad's his birthday besides mailing a basic card. I said it would be weird because I don't spend time with him, but she insisted I had to do something because I don't spend a lot of time with him.

-"Why are we doing this again?"

-"Because you need to show appreciation to your father, who raised you, and tried keeping you from turning into a monster." She responded.

-"What about your father? He raised you, sort of, not really."

-"Exactly. They more hired others to raise me, if you corks even call it that. He and my mother did nothing but use me along with my sister. If I was to thank them for anything it would be for giving me life. Even the privilege given to me in terms of power and status is overshadowed by the fact that perfection is expected of me, or at least it was. It's been more of a burden than a gift."

-"Yeah, fair point."

-"Your father, on the other hand, is a completely different story, and has taught you many helpful things."


-"He said he'll be here in 15 minutes or so, there were delays when waiting for his flight."

-"Got it, then we can probably start on the food then."

-"I'll get the potatoes and salad ready, you can get the meat."

-"Sure, why not."


William POV (John's Dad)

It was awfully nice for John to invite me over to his place for my birthday. He never invites me anywhere. Maybe Sera influenced his decision. He's a stubborn boy, though, I don't see him being convinced to do anything by anyone, so they must be at the very least good friends. I'm glad John's making friends here, at least. Hopefully he doesn't ruin this chance for himself this time.

I arrive at John's apartment. Not too shabby. It's a pretty decent size. I knock on the door, and wait a couple seconds. From a distance, I hear John.

-"Coming!" The door opens, and I see John, and a magenta-haired girl standing behind him, with an even wider smile than John.

-"Long time no see, you two!"

-"Hey, Mr. Doe!"

-"Hey, Dad!"

-"You know you can just call me William, right, Seraphina?"

-"I'm just messing with you, William. And you can just call me Sera, like this goofball over here."

-"You're mocking me, you little—.

-"Hey dad, are you gonna come inside?"

-"Oh, yeah, of course, son." I enter the apartment, and a barrage of smells enters my nose.

"Wow! What've you two been up to?" I asked. Sera was the first one to answer.

-"We already started making dinner, so you wouldn't have to wait so long."

-"That's very considerate of you two! I'm assuming Sera had something to do with this, John? You never invite me over."

-"Yeah, sorry about that, I thought it would be weird because I don't spend a lot of time with you, but Sera convinced me I had to."

-"Well, thank you for agreeing. Thanks Sera, for convincing him. Also, you're soft with her, aren't you, John?" He blushed at that. Blushing, huh? I raise my right eyebrow at him. He notices. Good. I laugh.

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