Chapter 15

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'D*mn it!' Blyke yells internally. He tries to sit up a little more, but instinctively uses his arms to help him, which are still healing. Pain flies through his arms in an instant, along with regret.

"Yeouch!" he cries out, raising his arms away from supporting his body. Remi rushes to his aid, chastising him like a mother would.

"Hey, don't move too much! You're still healing!" She helps stabilize his sitting position, before backing away a little.

'I'm not a little kid!' Blyke tells himself, 'I didn't even stand a chance against John.' Blyke punches the bed he was lying in out of his rage, which was, in hindsight, a terrible idea. "AUGH!" he yells, in excruciating agony. Remi turns back to her "mother-mode".

"I said take it easy!" she yells. Blyke just sits up, frustrated.

"How? I'm supposed to be the Jack of one of the most powerful high schools in the nation, and I just got bodied by someone everybody thought was a cripple, and what's worse, he used my ability! Ugh, so f*cking humiliating!" Blyke complains. Remi tries to comfort him.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. He kept his ability hidden for many reasons, one of them being because he was so strong."

"It's not even that! I tried fighting him without my ability at first, and although he had a strength ability, he was still able to out maneuver me easily, regardless of the boost!" he explains. This time, Isen speaks up.

"I know John can copy abilities, but how much stronger is his?" he asks. Remi elbows him, glaring at him, its message clear. 'Seriously? Now isn't the time.' Blyke answers anyways.

"Yeah, his definitely was much stronger. He can do things with Energy Beam than I haven't been able to do since it manifested in me. By the way, what even are the limitations on his ability, as crazy as that sounds?" he explains, ending it with another question.

"Well, he has told us that he can copy up to 4 live abilities, as well as the ability to use an ability he recently copied, but I guess that makes sense. He said that he can't copy some abilities, and that some put a large mental or physical strain on himself." Remi answers, her hand under her chin.

"Great, I remember. He can use up to four amped abilities at once. Amazing." Blyke replies, filled with way too much sarcasm. "Do you think you, Arlo, or Seraphina can beat him?" he asks, the question directed at Remi.

"Well, seeing how he dominated the fight with you, and from what we know, I'm not sure if I can, but I'm not really against him dethroning Arlo..." Remi explains, "he's right, you know. We really do ignore the problems of the lower-tiers." Blyke just expresses annoyance.

"And since when has that ever been a problem. Everything is fine the way it is. It's not like those cities like Branish." he responds. "Besides, you still haven't answered my question."

"How is this not like Branish? Everyone ignores the weak and they are preyed upon!" Remi answers. "But in response to your question, I don't think Seraphina will fight him. She's not technically a royal, and she... she agrees with him." Blyke looks at her questioningly, referring to her hesitation. Dismissing it, he answers.

"I guess that makes sense. What about Arlo?" Blyke asks, to which both know the answer to.

"I don't think he can either..." the pinkette answers. "But if we were to work together..."

"That's it!" Blyke says, "he might be strong against multiple enemies, but we're not weak. We still have a chance of overpowering him. If we can't beat him alone, we can together."

"As much as that explanation has its flaws, that could work, although we'd have to get Arlo to agree as well." Remi answers. Both of them look to Isen, and he sighs, knowing what they wanted him to do.

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