Chapter 10

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Arlo was sitting at a booth, having already ordered a coffee, waiting for Remi. 'Where the hell is she? She's even later than she usually is!' He thought. 'I'm not wasting my time here any longer. I'll talk to her about her EMBER obsession tomorrow... after I find out why she wasn't here today.' With that, Arlo stood up from the booth, pissed beyond imagination. Out of his blinding unforgiving rage, he didn't even notice as he bumped into a girl, presumably also from a high school, since she seemed too young to be a college student.

-"Excuse you, asshole!" The girl said through gritted teeth. At first Arlo just took a deep breath, not wanting to waste any more of his time. After taking 2 steps away from the girl and the boy walking with her, he turned around, to which the two were waiting. "Oh, are you angry? You're the one who bumped into me, idiot! Learn some manners!" She said. Arlo closed his eyes, flared his nose, and opened them up with newfound rage.

-"Don't... test me... girl." He said the last word as a form of belittling, in which the girl picked up on, and challenged him. She tensed up and charged at him, her eyes glowing and her aura intensifying. Arlo just turned around and started to walk to the exit.

-"Don't mock me!" She screamed, throwing a full forced hit at his nape. Arlo just kept on walking, and right before she made contact with him, a yellow barrier appeared, and she made contact with that instead. The barrier sustained little to no damage, whereas the girl reeled back in agony, clutching her arm, where reflected damage cut her arm up in too many places to count. The boy rushed to her aid, holding her up, but before he could scream at the blonde, Arlo just looked back at the two, his blue eyes gleaming their signature color. Finally the gears clicked into place for the two, and they realized just who the girl had challenged. In complete silence, even the staff just watching, since they could not do anything about it, Arlo walked out the door, leaving the two scarred with a memory of the current King of Wellston. 'Idiots.'

-"What are you doing?" John asked.

-"Uh, hi John! Fancy seeing you here, I thought you were moving into the dorms with Blyke?" Remi answers. John raises his left eyebrow.

-"Funny, I don't remember telling you that."

-"Blyke mentioned he had someone moving over into his dorm, and I asked the Headmaster." She shifted her feet, nervous.

-"Okay, sounds like you're telling the truth. Good reference. Now, I'll ask again, nicely. What... are you... doing?" John asked aggresively, stressing each syllable of the 4 word question.

-"I-I was going out to the mall." She stuttered out a little too quickly.

-"Alone? And in a taxi? You usually take the bus, do you not?" She knows she's backed herself into a corner, and tries putting John on the spot.

-"How would you know?" 'That was terrible, why did I think that was a good idea?' Remi thought to herself.

-"Don't change the subject." John answers harshly. He takes her bag and pulls her away from the street, right back into school grounds, under a tree, sheltering them from the late afternoon sun. He leans against the tree, the shade provided by the tree darkening his face, leaving only his champagne colored eyes to pierce into her soul. She just stands in front of him, looking instead of up at him, down into the floor. He takes a deep breath. "Remi, don't lie to me. Is there a change of clothes in this bag?" He asks, trying to tone down his frustration.

-"Yes, it's just for—." Remi started.

-"All I asked for was a yes or no." John cut her off. "Next question. This isn't for paintball or a skate park, is it?" Remi hesitated in answering, presumably deciding on what to say.

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