Chapter 1

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3 Months Later (School Year has started):

-"Man, maybe one of these days I'll get used to shopping for hours on end just to leave the building when it's dark out." John comments as the two exit the mall.

-"The problem with that is that I'd have less fun listening to you complain less!" She joked, messing with him.

-"Of course you'd say that." The ravenette retorts, turning, guiding Sera to the nearest bus stop.

-"And what's that supposed to mean?" She raised her eyebrows, glancing over at the ravenette, studying his response. They arrive at the bus stop, and to avoid any further judgment from her, the boy responds.

-"Uhh, I just meant that I feel you enjoy my suffering from the same things you take joy in doing." At that moment, the bus arrives. Satisfied with his response, Sera walks ahead of him, boarding the bus and taking a seat. John does the same, sitting right next to her.

When they reach their stop, the two pass by a park on the walk back to John's apartment. After a little, John senses something is off.

-"Hey, Sera?" He asks. She looks at him questioningly, prompting the boy to continue, "I'm sensing someone behind us. They've been trailing us for some time, but I didn't think much of it since it's a park. This person is also starting to gain ground on us. The one problem is that I haven't been able to see them once with my eyes."

-"He or she might be invisible?"

-"That would make— Wait, he or she just sped up, and is now catching up to us. Let's go." John remarks, cutting himself off. He grabs Sera's arm, and starts running towards his apartment. Surprised, she is at first dragged along the sidewalk, her steps unnatural and jumpy.

-"You could have warned me!" She yells in his ear. When the two arrive at John's apartment, John quickly opens the door as the two enter. The two stand up against the door for a second huffing ragged breaths, when she breaks the silence.

"I could've also just used my ability... and we would've been here sooner... and less tired."

-"Where's... the fun... in that?" She just rolls her eyes at him, sitting down on his couch, reaching for the remote.

-"I'll chill here for a bit, and then I'll head back to the dorms."

-"Are you crazy?! What if there are more of them?"

-"I can take care of myself, John. We don't even know how strong they are."

-"I don't doubt that, but even as God-Tiers, we're not invincible, and I don't want you to risk it." She huffs with obvious and over exaggerated complaint.

-"Fine... You get the bed."

-"Nope. You get the bed, I get the couch."

-"What? You got the couch last time!"

-"And I live here. I sleep on my bed every night. Additionally, I wasn't the one who agreed to the bed, only to fall asleep on me in the couch." Her cheeks redden, but her composure doesn't change one bit, still stubborn.

-"You're still going to hold that against me, huh? If I do get the bed tonight, you 100% get the bed next time I crash over here."

-"Deal. On completely unrelated note, I'm hungry, you hungry? I'll quickly pan sear some steak, if you don't mind chuck. No deals on the better meats recently, so no t-bone or new york strip."

-"That's fine with me, just make sure th—."

-"Yeah yeah, not rare, but not quite medium rare. I gotchu."

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