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Arizona's POV:

3:27 am

No sleep. I have been laying in my bed tossing & turning since I got home. And still, I haven't slept. It's day number 4. I don't understand what stage of insomnia I'm having. Usually, insomnia gives you this feeling of wanting to sleep because you are so exhausted- yet you can't. Though- I haven't slept in nearly 100 hours, besides a few 30 minute naps here & there... but I just need a coffee and I'm good to go. I sit & listen to the rain as I can't sleep. All I can think is how my days seem to be drifting into each other to the point where I can't even separate them anymore. Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door.

I sit up confused & listen to the rain trying to see if it was real or if I'm just going insane.

Knock Knock

I sigh sort of relieved that I'm not going crazy- yet, I'm also curious to who would be knocking on my door at nearly 4 am.

I slip my leg on & walk towards the door while putting my robe on because I'm in my pajamas. I turn on the light in the hallway leading to the door & I unlock it opening it. I don't realize who it is at first because her back is turned to me getting her suitcase in one of her hands & carrying a child in the other. But, as soon as she turns around- wet hair & dripping in rain water I can still tell who she is.

"Callie?" I asked unsure of what's she is doing here.
"What are you doing here? I don't have Sofia for another month." I say staring at her confused.

"Can we come in?" she says holding sleeping Sofia in her arms with a blanket over her so she doesn't get wet.

"Oh! Yes, I'm sorry- please you're probably freezing." I put my arms out in front of Callie. "I'll take her to her room." I grab Sofia as Callie walks into my house shutting the door behind her.

I hear Callie speak as I take Sofia to her room. "Sorry to barge in on you like this- I didn't mean to wake you." I kiss Sofia gently on the head & tuck her in walking out of her room shutting the door quietly as I leave walking towards the living room where Callie is standing.

"Oh it's fine. I was awake. I always am." I look at her as she is shivering. "My room is through there," I say pointing to a door "You can grab some clothes, I can wash the ones you have on." I say trying not to sound confused when really the only thought I have is- Why is she here?

Callie's POV:

I've been avoiding eye contact with Arizona this whole time. She's always been able to read how I'm feeling by my eyes. And that's the last thing I need right now.

"Okay, thanks." I say walking towards her room & turning on the light. I look at her room & smile a little. It looks just like how it was when we lived here together. I grab some of Arizona's clothes & head into her bathroom changing into them.

I look at myself in the mirror & suddenly realize how weird it was that I just appear at her doorstep.

I mean we are divorced & I just show up with our kid that I took to New York with some woman I barely know. Then come into her house unannounced & go to her room putting on her clothes and about to sleep in her house. I panic a little, but I hear Arizona knock. "Everything okay in there?" I hear her say.

This situation doesn't get any better considering Arizona is being well... Arizona. Kind & sincere- just like always.

I wipe my tears. "Yeah all good." I gulp & unlock the door seeing Arizona's back too me. I think she is grabbing my wet clothes.

Arizona's POV:

I hear Callie come out of the bathroom as I am getting her clothes so I can wash them. I turn towards her, "Make yourself at home. I'm gonna put these in the washer. They should be dry right before I leave. But, if they aren't just grab them when they are finished." I shoot her a smile.

I can tell something is wrong. Even if she won't look at me. So I just try to make her feel welcomed. I don't want to force her to tell me anything although... I really want to know.

I walk out of the room to put her clothes in the washing machine.

"Arizona?" I hear Callie say & I stop at the doorway turning around.

"Yeah Calliope?" I say looking at her.

Callie's POV:

I let out a breath.


There it was.

She always called me that.

She's the only person besides my dad who I liked to say it. It's just the way she says it-

I give her a smile & look at her for the first time since I appeared at her door earlier.

"I really appreciate this. All of it... thank you." And she gives me one of those super magical smiles.

"Of course." She points at her bed. "I made the bed so you can sleep in it. I have to go to work in about an hour, you can stay here. I know you are probably jet lagged from your flight." She smiles at me again. "Sofia definitely is, so just... make yourself at home."

She walks away & I sigh.

Caretaker. She has always been that way. Even after the divorce... she always took care of me & Sofia. It's not just us- everyone.

Arizona's POV:

I put her clothes in the washing machine with my lavender detergent & grab my scrubs out of the dryer.

I usually where shorts under my scrub pants. Weirdly, they help my phantom limb pain at times. I sit on the couch & adjust my prosthetic because I didn't really try when I was answering the door earlier.

I see Callie walk in & sit at the bar stools near the counter. As I'm adjusting my leg I look at her & smile. 

She smiles back at me sadly. "So umm... what do you have planned today? You know surgery wise?"

I can tell she is trying to change the subject before I can ask why she's here so I smile & answer the question as I put my scrub pants on tying them and putting on my scrub top.

"I mostly just have April's interns this morning. She needed me to take them since she has a big surgery. So, rounds..." I sigh trying to remember because I'm so tired that I'm struggling to remember. I put my hair in a ponytail. "Oh, then I have a surgery. In-utero revoking on a SCT." I take my clothes I place them in the dirty clothes hamper & put on my shoes.

"Wait- an in-utero SCT removal. That's rare, it must be... an incredible melanoma for it to have to be removed before birth."

I make my coffee & smile but don't look at her because I'm going a mile a minute. "Yeah, half the baby's mass is this melanoma. It is taking most of the nutrients that the baby needs so we need to remove or she could die. I mean..." I mix some sugar in my coffee. "She could die with this surgery. Either way it's..." I get cut off by Callie. "Hey, I'm sure you'll do great." I sigh & smile putting away the sugar & grabbing my coffee. "Thanks Calliope." She smiles "Anytime." And then I walk out the door.

When I arrive at Grey+Sloan Memorial I already finished my coffee so I go to the attending's lounge to get more.

"Robbins, are you okay? You seem jittery." I turn around to see April doing charts.

"Callie's back."

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