The Litte Things

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Arizona's POV:

I haven't felt this energized in a long time. You never know you're sleep deprived until you actually sleep. It's around noon now & I'm getting a snack before I go into surgery in an hour. It's been a busy morning, so let me some it up for you.

When I woke up Callie had rolled over & we were basically spooning. Which I was enjoying until I realized we were divorced. Then I suddenly felt guilty. So I eased out of the bed & made breakfast for all three of us. Now I have this pit in my stomach because Callie doesn't know we spooned. Or that I enjoyed it.

Then when we got to work Eliza pulled me aside from Callie & basically broke up with me. Which honestly- that's some weight off my shoulders. But, that's yet another secret from Callie. Who I haven't seen all day. I haven't even got the chance to ask her how her first day back has been.

Those were the most important parts of my day.

I grab an apple & go to the OR board.

"Boo!" I hear Sloan say as I jump

"Jesus Mark." I say as we laugh

"I'm just gonna come out & say it." He says with his hands on his hips staring at me.

"Oh no. When you speak your mind it usually ends up in me being ashamed to be your friend." I turn to him laughing & then bite into my apple.

"You gotta break up with lousy Minnick & get back with Torres." He says

"See..." I point at him with apple in hand. "There it is." I begin to walk and he of course follows me.

"Come on you're gonna sit here & tell me you don't have feelings for Callie." He says as we turn a corner

"Well of course I have feelings for her. She is the mother of my child." I say trying to ignore him.

"Oh come on Robbins, you know she's more than that. You've got chemistry. You're perfect for her. She's perfect for you. She makes you happy. You make her happy. Why can't you just be happy?" He says sort of whiny.

"This really feels more like a you problem then me man whore." I smile at him sarcastically pointing myself some coffee.

"Ha ha, funny Robbins." He sits down in the attendings lounge. "Come on I'm being serious."

"So am I Mark." I take a sip of my coffee. "I love Calliope, I do. I loved her since that day at Joe's. I love the way she smells & the way she raises her eyebrows when she is trying to convince someone to help her. I love how she twirls her hair when she nervous or scrunches her nose when she's embarrassed." I see Mark smiling at me and I quickly clear my throat looking down at my coffee.

"I bet you love her brown eyes too. How you could just stare into them all day long & get lost in them but you don't care. Or how she gives you a warm feeling that makes you feel at home." He says teasing me

"Leave her alone Mark." Callie says as she walks in.

"Thank you." I say smiling at her & sitting next to Mark.

"Torres, we were just talking about you." Mark says with a big grin.

"I bet. Let me guess he's trying to get you to confess your love for me." Callie says staring at Mark.

"How'd you know?" I say chuckling.

"He did the same thing too me earlier. Except I was in surgery so I had no way out." Callie says smiling at me.

"Oh & she said some very interesting things about you." He says staring at me then he turns to Callie "You both did."

Callie's POV:

I chuckle.

Arizona comes over & stands by me.

"Oh yeah I had some very interesting things to say."

I can tell that she's doing this to make Mark mad & so I join in.

"Oh Arizona I just love how you crack your knuckles when your nervous." I say smiling at her.

"Calliope I love how you raise your eyebrows when you try to be convincing." Arizona says looking back at me.

"Arizona I just love how your smile lights up the entire room. How just one of your smiles can brighten my whole mood." I say, we are obviously teasing Mark but saying very real things to each other...

"Calliope I love how you scrunch your nose when you're embarrassed." Arizona says staring into my eyes.

"I do not." I say laughing

"Yes you do." Mark says

"Don't worry, it's cute." Arizona says shooting me a wink & I scrunch my nose a little.

"Alright- I get it. I get it." Mark says. "You love every little thing about each other, but just because you love the feelings you have with them or the way they make your easy do kart wheels." Mark says smiling at us which says that he has won. "You don't love each other romantically." He shrugs with satisfaction which lets us know that this was his plan all along. "I'll leave it alone." And he leaves.

Arizona's POV:

"That was his plan wasn't it?" I say chuckling and looking at Callie.

"Yep. He wanted that to happen & had no problem rubbing it in that he won." She says smiling

"Well I meant every word of it. So his loss." As say I walk towards the door but I turn around. "He's just jealous because I don't talk about the little things he does." And Callie chuckles.

I get paged before she can say anything.

"I have to go Calliope, talk later?" I say smiling at her & staring into her eyes, thinking the same thoughts that Mark mentioned earlier.

Callie's POV:

I look up at her & stare into her eyes. Immediately, I get the same feeling I did at Joe's almost a decade ago. I feel it in the pit of my stomach as she smiles at me.

I snap out of my thoughts & smile back. "Yeah." She smiles that super magical smile at me once more & walks out of the door.

What have I done?

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