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-2 days later-

Callie's POV:

Me & Arizona haven't really spoken since the surgery a few days ago. We've had a lot of small talk about Sofia & how our days were.

Every time I try to get her alone so I can speak too her, she's always with Mark or in a surgery. She still lets me lay with her at night.

She knows I have abandonment issues, but I can tell that she enjoys the company as well.

I haven't seen her at all today. She stayed in an on-call room because she had a late surgery last night & a early one this morning.

I have had back to back surgery since I got here today.

This is actually the first moment that I've had a decent break.

I need to find Arizona & see if she wants to go out to eat with our daughter tonight.

I see her blonde hair from a corner & smile going over to her but I stop when I see her having a conversation with a woman I've never seen before.

She's tall & she has a beautiful light olive complexion. She has semi-dark brown hair with light brown highlights here & there. And she's obviously into Arizona.

I know this because I used to be her. Hell, I am her.

I go over to the end of the nurses station and pretend to be doing charts trying to listen in on their conversation.

I can't really hear the what they're saying, but I can tell the woman has an accent.

Italian I believe.

A bit of envy starts to boil inside me as I start to wonder if I ever made her laugh like that.

I shoot them a glance & I instantly wish I hadn't.

The Italian woman had put her hand on Arizona's arm laughing. And if I didn't know any better- I'd say Arizona liked the attention she was getting from this woman.

I however, did not.

"Snooping in on their conversation I see?" Mark says sneaking up next to me nearly giving me a heart attack.

"Jesus!" I say a little loud which makes Arizona turn around. I instantly put my hand on my face & pretend to do charts.

Mark whispers to me giving me a heads up. "The hot Italian & your ex wife are coming over here... be cool." And just as he says that she comes up next to me.

"Calliope," she says smiling & I turn around. She looks at the Italian woman. "This is the amazing Callie Torres I was telling you about."

She sticks her hand out with a smile, "Dr. Carina Deluca," she says with a heavy accent that even made me a little turned on.

I shake her hand trying not to be jealous.

"Dr. Callie Torres"

"It's great to finally meet you. Arizona has been telling me all about you, you seem so..." she tries to think of the word.

"Badass?" Arizona asks.

"Yes, badass." She says laughing.

I force a chuckle.

"Well thank you so much." And thank god for Mark.

Who was standing next to me, yet still smart enough to page me 911 so I could leave without being rude.

"That's me. It's an emergency- it was great to meet you." I smile at her and leaving quickly. Wanting to be as far from everyone as possible.

Arizona's POV:

I watch Callie leave quickly & I give Mark a weird look.

You can see the guilt on his face. I give him a Look wondering what just happened & he just smiles.

"I have to go." And he turns to Carina giving her a classic Sloan smirk, "it was lovely to meet you Dr. Deluca." And he smiles walking off like he owns the place.

She chuckles as he leaves, "Is that Sloan?"

I smile at her.

"I told you he's kind of- umm..." I think of the best way to put it.

"The cover of a toxic masculinity magazine." She asks?

"Yeah but he's so sweet." I say trying to boost him up although she was right.

"Yeah, I'm sure he is. But, he seems like he'd be hard to get to know." She says as we walk through the halls.

I chuckle.

"You can say that again. I hated the man when I first met him." I sigh thinking back at the times I was ruthless to Mark.

I smile at her as we stop in front of the elevator & I push the button, "Now, I don't know what I'd do without him. I mean..." I sigh. "I wouldn't have survived the last few years if he hadn't been by my side, supporting me & boosting me in everything I did or wanted ."

She smiles at me.

"You make him sound like a decent dude." She says chuckling

"It's not hard. He's better than decent." I say.

"Thank you for showing me around today, my little brother was right. It's always nice to see a friendly face on the first day." She says

Callie's POV:

I see Arizona & Carina from where I'm standing on the stairs. I can't hear what they are saying, but they're smiling & laughing.

I sigh.

But, then Arizona wraps her arms around Carina & gives her a hug.

Not just a quick hug-

No they hugged for a few seconds & I'm sure they would have hugged longer if the elevator wouldn't have opened.

I see Carina give Arizona a little wave before the doors shut.

Arizona smiles looking at the floor, then turns away walking back to wherever it is she needed to be.

And I am outraged.

I'm in physical pain.

To the point I want to grab my chest & fall to the floor crying.


I've never expressed my emotions in tears.


I always scream & yell. Along with severe passive aggression.

I exhale & walk away more pissed than every before.

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