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Arizona's POV:

April gives me a shocked look & you can tell she doesn't know what to say.

I sit down next to her.

"Yeah I know." I say rubbing my temples

"What are you going to do?" April says looking at me.

And I think.

What am I going to do?

I sigh & lean my head back. "I don't know April." I sit up taking a sip of my coffee & then look at her. "Nothing I guess. I mean, I don't know how long she's here or if she's staying." I sigh putting my head in my hands. "I don't know- I'm too tired to comprehend any of this right now."

"So you're still not getting sleep? Arizona you really are wearing yourself thin. You need to go on leave. Especially now that Callie is back." April says.

I look at her. "Funny. But, leave isn't an option for me."

"What's not an option for you?" I look over at the doorway

"Oh- just talking about this new food place down the street." I say looking at April trying to get her to help me.

"Yeah, apparently it's too spicy for her." April smiles

"Yeah Arizona doesn't do spicy." She comes over to me and kisses me before getting her a water. "I seriously can't relate." Eliza says smiling.

I totally forgot about her-

She makes this whole situation worse.

"Yeah I have heard. You love spicy." I kick April under the table 

"Ow." She shoots me a look and I shoot her one back before we both look at Eliza smiling.

"Anyways, I just came to get a water." She kisses me again. "Call me later?"

"Yeah of course." I say back to her with a smile as I watch her leave.

When she's out of sight I begin to bang my head on the table. "Why- does- this- always- happen- to- me?" I sigh putting my head on the table.

"Arizona- I love you, but you're gonna get a concussion." April says trying to lighten the mood but I just shoot her a glance.

"Okay. Well are you going to tell Minnick about Callie?" April asks.

"There's no reason too." I reply sighing

"Are you gonna tell Callie about Minnick?" She looks at me worried.

"There's already something wrong now. The last thing Calliope is gonna want to hear is that she barged into her ex wife's house at 4 am with their child & she slept in her house, in her clothes... while she is dating someone. I can't- do that too her. She'll just cut me off even more." I say

"Oh Arizona- you're calling her Calliope again?" April says looking at me worried but sincerely.

"I've always called her that. Ever since that night at Joe's." I smile remembering it.

"Oh no." April says looking at me

"What?" I say looking back at her.

"You're still in love with her aren't you." April says

"No. Of course, I'll always have love for her. She's the mother of my child & she will always hold a special place in my heart- my life. But, loving her &... being in love with her. That's two different things."

Isn't it?

"Whatever you say Robbins." She gets up & looks at me. "Good luck with that." She smiles and walks away.

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