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Arizona's POV:

I'm doing charts at the nurses station & I see Callie talking to Mark. He must have told a joke because she starts laughing. We make eye contact & I smile at her. Still chuckling she gives me one back before looking back at Mark & continuing her conversation.

I look back down at my charts still smiling. I'm not gonna lie. I've missed her. Her voice, her smell, her laugh, just everything about her I've missed.

Callie's POV:

Mark makes a joke about Eliza... again. And I can't help but laugh. It's rude I know- but I still laugh. As I'm laughing I see Arizona doing charts & we make eye contact. She shoots me one of her super magical smiles & I just want to melt. But, I don't. I just smile back at her & let the staring and smiling lingering for a quick moment before I look back at Mark.

"Let me guess." He says teasing me. "Robbins is giving you those goosebumps on your arms, and the flush of your cheeks." He says smirking at me. "Whatever Mark," I say. "So then who was it." He says starting to shift his body around, but I stop him. "Fine." I look at him.

"That's what I thought." He says. "Why don't you just tell her, I mean it's quite obvious you like her. And she obviously loves you." He says actually trying to be sincere. "Please I so do not like her. I've moved on- & so has she." I say glancing back over at her.

And she glances at me & she smiles again before walking off.

I look at Mark.

"Oh please- you mean Minnick." He asks. "Old news. And she loves her just as much as I loved Julia." He says giving me a look. "She's just trying to get over you Torres, it's been nearly two years & I haven't seen her smile this big since before the divorce." Mark tells me. "Look Torres, you put her through some stuff I'm not gonna lie. Some real harsh stuff, & it took her a while to get over it." He says looking at me. "Like her panic attacks were so bad after you left she got sent to psych." He says nodding obviously thinking Arizona had told me all this. "She lost her job while she was in psych. And it took her 2 months of therapy before she was allowed to work again. Her & Minnick barely dated 4 months." He says looking into my eyes. "And as soon as you come back after 2 years of being with Perfect Penny." He says rolling his eyes. "She dumps Minnick & lets you stay at her house. Wear her clothes, sleep in her bed, & eat her food." He looks at me. "You can try to pull the 'That's just who she is' line, but even you know Arizona would only do some of those things for you." He smiles and walks away leaving me to render with my thoughts.

Arizona has panic attacks? She went to psych? She lost her job? All because of me? And she didn't tell me.

Arizona's POV:

I'm in the attending's lounge & I have my back turned to the door putting my charts organized on the couch into different piles so I can give them to the nurses. It's one less job they have to do, I know they have hectic days so I do my best to help when I can.

I'm almost finished when I hear someone walking towards the door. I give a quick glance & see Callie walking down the hallway towards the door. I shoot her a quick smile & turn back around trying to wrap up.

"Calliope," I say still smiling "I was just coming to find you. I just have to finish organizing these charts for the nurses. I know- I know it's not my job, but anything to help the nurses. They do so much & I just want to help." I say starting to stack them & I hear her walk in because the steps are closer. "When I'm done I can get Sofia from daycare so you have one less thing to worry about. I know it's been a pretty crazy first week back &," but I get cutoff by Callie who I hear sniffle. I immediately turn around to see her holding back tears. I just want to rush to her need & hug her, but I don't want to push the limits.

"Hey, what's wrong Calliope?" I say giving her a sad look.

Callie's POV:

I've always been a person to overthink everything to the point of panicking over it. So, when Mark told me about the whole Arizona fiasco, I can't help but think of how it's my fault & how I wasn't here to help her in her time of need. She has always been there for me. Even after the divorce, she's always known how to comfort me. Even if it was about her. As I sniffle unsure of what to say she turns around immediately asking me what's wrong.

I don't know what to say. Before I know it, I have my head on Arizona's shoulder crying into it not saying a word.

It clearly caught her off guard as she didn't hug me back right away. But, after a moment she wraps her arms around me comforting me.

"Hey, Calliope." She tries to calm me down wrapping her arms around me tightly rubbing my back. And it only makes me cry more. "What's wrong my love?" She asks. And almost lose it right then in there. Although, it wouldn't have made a difference considering I'm balling like a baby in my ex wife's arms. My love. She always called me that when she was worried about me. Calliope when she she is speaking to me with a smile or sad. Callie when she's being serious or angry. But, my favorite- my love. She used this one to comfort me a lot when we were married, & it always worked. "You're okay my love." She continues to say because all I can do is cry in her arms not saying a word.

Eventually, I let all of my tears out. Not just about Arizona... but everything I had been bottling in. It just all came pouring out... unfortunately for Arizona I didn't wear my waterproof mascara today. She's comforting me as I continue to cry not saying anything. And this is when I got the feeling that I did all those years ago. The memories come flooding back. Joe's, the pregnancy, the engagement, the wedding, every small detail good & bad from our relationship. And that's when it kicked in-

I think I'm in love with my ex wife.

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