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Arizona's POV:

I'm talking to Carina outside the attendings lounge.

"I mean I just don't get it. If you were with Callie, why'd you break up?" She asks

"I- I cheated on her," I say sadly trying not to relive my past pain.

"No offense- but why the hell would you do that? I mean- Callie is hot. Your hot. You seem happy when you talk about her, why'd you cheat on someone that hot?" She asks.

I laugh.

"It sounds like your more in love with her than I am." I say chuckling.

Her eyes widen.

"Wait- you're in love with her?" She asks

"What?" I ask

"You just said you were in love with her." She says looking at me with a smirk.

She is just like Mark, trying to make me confess my love for Callie.

"No no no. Past tense. Was in love." I say

"Arizona..." she says

I gasp as I recall what I just said.

"Oh. My. God." I say as I look at Carina as I start laughing nervously.

"I- I... I love Callie?" I say as I'm still chuckling with realization.

"I- I love Callie..." I cover my mouth with my hands.

"Oh my god I'm in love with Callie."

Carina just sits there laughing, and I shove her a little.

"Come on it's not funny." I say but I soon start to laugh as well & we both just sit there laughing at the fact that I realized I have a thing for my ex wife.

Sure I knew we had been flirting a little... & I enjoyed making her smile.

But- I didn't think anything about it... it just felt so natural.

Mark clears his throat from the attendings lounge & I look at him wiping my tears from laughing so hard.

Carina gets the hint from Mark & she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Catch you later, Robbins?" She says

"Yeah." I say smiling at her & I walk into the attendings lounge sitting beside Mark.

He smiles at me.

"Don't even say it." I tell him knowing what he was about to say.

He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him hugging me.

"So you love her huh?" He says

I sigh & smile.

"Yeah. I really do Mark." I say

And for a moment we sit there & then he says it.

"I told you so." He says smirking & I shove him a bit getting out of the hug.

"Come on I told you not to say it." I say smiling

"Yeah because you hate it when your wrong. Especially when it's with me."

He starts teasing me.

"I was right." He smiles leaning back against the couch.

"That feels good." He says smirking at me

"I was right & you were... say it with me now- wrong." He says laughing.

I laugh along with him and hug him again.

"I hate you." I say chuckling

"Oh come on you love me." He says

I sit there for a minute & then I stand up pulling Mark up with me.

I can tell he's confused, but I give him a hug wrapping my arms around him.

He gives me a classic Sloan hug & I can finally breathe. For the first time in a long time... I can breathe.

I pull away & walk towards the door, but then turn around.

"Thank you Mark." I say giving him a smile.

"For what?" He asks confused.

I chuckle lightly.

"For being a decent dude." I smile

"Thank you?" He says chuckling.

Callie's POV:

I watch Arizona & Carina just laugh.

All she does is smile & laugh then smile some more.

And all Carina does is put her hands all over Arizona.

I can feel how furious I'm getting so I go to the daycare and pick up Sofia so we can go home.

Once we are home, I make Sofia something to eat while she packs her bag.

Tonight, she has a sleepover with Zola.

Which means it's just me & Arizona tonight.

Which I was thrilled about up until an hot Italian woman started to feel her up-

I sigh & Sofia comes running into the room.

"Can we go now mama? Please!" She pleads

"Yes, mí amor we can go now." I smile at her as she runs out the door.

Once I drop Sofia off I go back to Arizona's house.

She texted me telling me she's gonna be late.

She's with Carina to sum up the text for you.

I'm completely infuriated to the point I want to break something.

But, I don't.

Instead, I pour me a glass of wine & do Arizona's laundry while a wait for her to get home.

After 2 hours, half a bottle of wine, and a few loads of laundry I see Arizona walk through the door.

I'm folding the laundry on the couch & drinking out of the bottle.

Arizona's POV:

I walk in & start taking off my jackets while I sit my bags down. I put my keys away & look at Callie who is drunkenly doing laundry.

I chuckle a little.

"You're doing laundry." I say while going over to her. "While drinking?" I say suspiciously.

"Well, you were with Carina so you know- I had to keep myself busy." She says taking another drink from the bottle.

I grab the bottle from her & put the lid on it.

"Alright, you're drunk." I say putting the wine back in the cabinet.

I look at her while she folds laundry.

"Hey what's up?" I ask concerned

She never does laundry unless she's pissed.

She looks up at me while folding my laundry.

"We need to talk."

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