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Callie's POV:

I can tell Arizona's confused.


"Oh you know." I look down at the shirt I was folding.

"This..." I say

"The... shirt?" She asks more confused.

"No Arizona." I say throwing the shirt down. "This- us." I look in her eyes the anger bubbling slowly inside me

She looks at me confused as she sits on the arm of the couch.

"What do you mean? Us?" She says confused.

"What is this?" I ask

"Calliope I really don't understand..."

"Don't give me that Calliope bullshit okay?" I say angry "What are we?" I sigh. "It's really confusing, all of these signals & everything between us... it's so damn confusing." I say angrily

She looks at me dead in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" She asks shaking her head.

"All these damn signals Arizona! That's what I mean." I say getting angrier by the minute

"Callie. What..." she says now standing up

"Don't pretend like what we are doing is normal. Ex wives don't sleep in the same bed, or cuddle, or hold hands." I say now almost screaming. "They don't have long deep conversations every night before they sleep, or casually kiss each other, or make dinner waiting for the other one to get home so they can ask how their day went." I'm pacing at this point. " And they sure as hell don't get butterflies when they are together or lost in each other's eyes." I look at her. "They sure as hell don't get jealous when they find out that they are in a relationship. Or get happy when they break up. Or..." I sigh. "Or get jealous when they flirt with someone else."

She shakes her head.

"Wh-What does Carina have to do with this?" She asks and I officially lose it.

"Jealousy Arizona! I'm jealous of Carina because all day she has been basically just- feeling you up!" I'm yelling now.

"What does that matter?" She asks now mad as well & she stands up looking at me.

I put my head in my hands.

"You don't get it do you?" I look at her. "I went to New York because I thought you were the reason I couldn't love Penny." I sigh but I'm still yelling. "But when I got to New York I was still unhappy. I- I thought it was Penny's fault. I came to Seattle just too feel at home. But- I've realized over the past two weeks that this has been the happiest I've been in years." I look at her yelling "Years! Arizona- I was willing to go to Africa for you! Just drop everyone- everything so you could be happy. Because it- it didn't matter if we were in Seattle or Africa or any other place in the world because I was with YOU!" I say. "Don't you get that?" I sigh. "Seattle's not my home Arizona." I look at her and I'm still yelling. "You are. So what does it matter? Let's see what does it matter..." I say & she tries to stop me because I've been rambling

"Calliope..." she says her voice breaking.

But, I'm on fire & I just blurt everything I've wanted to say since I arrived at her door two weeks ago.

"It matters because I love you Arizona." I let out a breath. "I. I love you. And I don't- I can't live without you. I mean- I can but..." I shake my head still furious.

"I don't want too."

I walk over to her grabbing her face before she can say anything & I kiss her deeply afraid it would be the last time I ever could with the truth finally being out.

Not only did I confront the truth-

I confronted my feelings.

And for that... I give myself a job well done.

Arizona's POV:

I am struck by everything she just said unsure of what to say.

I couldn't believe what I just heard.

But it became even more of a surprise when Callie kissed me.

But the biggest surprise:

I didn't pull away.

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