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Callie's POV:

I'm still standing in the the attendings lounge as I hear my pager beep snapping me out of my thought.

Still struck by the kiss Arizona planted on my lips only moments before, I go to where Mark had paged me.

"Alissa Richardson, 24, burn victim. Her apartment caught on fire leaving her with multiple burns & extreme smoke inhalation. I'm still getting labs on her, but xrays show she has a broken femur. My guess..." he says looking up at me "is from the jump out of her window. She was on the third story, only way out without burning alive."

I look at her leg. "Yeah, she's gonna need surgery on this leg. Probably some pins to keep it in place, I also want to make sure there isn't a infection because she does have a cut."

Me & Mark have her sent to OR 3 to get prepped while we scrub in.

While I'm tying my scrub cap off so I can scrub in, Helm comes in & hands Mark the labs. "I've got the labs on Miss Richardson" before he begins to scrub, he looks over the labs.

He looks at me and I'm scrubbing in. "Torres..." he says. I look at him confused, "She's pregnant." He says as we both scrub in, he looks at Helm. "Page Herman tell her we need her to watch the monitor."

The baby wouldn't have much significance in other patients, but since she's a burn victim it's different. The fetus has to be monitored to make sure the smoke inhalation didn't effect the baby. It'd be a rare chance especially considering the baby is only about 8 weeks, but it's a vital protocol & as a mother I respect it.

We begin working on the patient & as I'm working on the leg I hear Herman walk through the door. I don't pay her much attention because I'm extremely focused. Well, let's back up- I assumed it was Herman who walked through the door. Until I hear her speak.

"Hey Mark. Herman has an emergency removal. A mass on the Gordon's baby. So she sent me here to monitor the fetus." I hear her say.

Immediately, I look up & over at her. She notices me too & even though she has her mask on, I can tell she smiles one of her magical smiles at me. "Calliope, I didn't know you were on this case." Still smiling at me, "Our first case together since you got back."

I smile back at her under my mask. "Arizona? What are you doing here? You're a pediatric surgeon." I say a little confused & smiling.

"Actually..." Mark says looking at me. "She has been working with Herman since you left & became a fetal surgeon." He says smiling very proud of Arizona. "Correction... becoming." She says smiling and she passes behind me. "Excuse me." She places her hand on my lower back gently trying to squeeze herself past me, she brushes her body against mine to get past & goes over to stand looking at the monitor.

Mark's POV:

Callie clears her throat nervously from what I assume was Arizona brushing up against her & she looks down at the patients leg. "Well, I think that's great Arizona. I just- I never knew you wanted to work in fetal. We always talked about it- but it never occurred to me that you'd actually pursue it."

I just wanted to kick Callie right then & there. She basically just told Arizona that the whole time she was talking about her dreams, she just dismissed it. She just told the love of her life she didn't believe she could achieve her dreams.

I glance up at Arizona who was obviously thinking the same things as me, but she just dismissed it.

"Yeah, me neither. But, I did." She chuckles happily thinking about how she got excepted into Faith Rogers' Fetal Teaching Program. She thought about applying for months. It wasn't until Herman pushed her to fill out an application before she even considered the possibility of being accepted. Robbins of course didn't think she could get in- but I had complete faith in her.

"Now I got into a prestigious Fetal Program." She say smiling one of her biggest smiles behind her mask and shoots me a glance as I give her a smile.

"Yeah you did." I tell her.

Ever since Callie went too New York, me & Arizona got close. She used to hate me- now I mean... she can't resist the charming effects of a Sloan. I don't blame her I mean- have you seen this face.


We all continue to work for another hour or so.

"Robbins..." I say looking at her as she keeps shifting her position. She obviously knew what I was talking about as she said, "I'm fine Mark." Not shooting me a look but focusing on the monitor.

"Do you want me to grab you that stool from over there?" I say pushing it.

Unlike Arizona, I push people's buttons. Especially hers, because that's the only way you can get her to listen.

"Mark, I'm fine." She says now looking at me.

Without another word to her I look over at one of the nurses. "Grab that stool & place it next to Dr. Robbins please." She does as I say & goes back to doing her job.

Arizona rolls her eyes & Callie looks at me then Arizona but doesn't say anything, just continues to work on suturing the cut on the patients leg.

"Go ahead, Robbins." I say looking up from the patient & at her. "Sit down, you've been standing a while." She rolls her eyes & turns her head to me.

"I told you I was fine, Mark. Actually, better than fine." She says trying to convince me.

"Okay, I'll believe you if you sit down. After two minutes, if you decide you're still fine enough to stand." I say staring into her eyes making her mad because she knows I'm right. "I won't say anything."

She sighs & sits down. "Fine." And I smile looking back down at my almost finished & perfect skin flap.

Arizona's POV:

I sit down on the stool sighing.

I hate it when he's right.

And usually he is.

"Alright, her sutures are done. Her pins are in..." Callie says smiling. "She should make a full recovery."

"Alright Torres, way to go." Mark says sitting his tools down. "Her skin flaps are perfect & these burns were harsh, but with my magical hands- they should be almost invisible by time she recovers." He says smiling.

I watch Callie take her gloves & stuff off. "It looks really good Calliope. I'm proud of you." I say smiling & she gives me a big smile back as we stare at each other for a moment.

"Oh great job Sloan." Mark says patting himself on the back "You made a woman's skin look as gorgeous as possible & yet..." he gives me the stank eye. "You get no credit."

I laugh at him then I look at Callie admiring her like I used to do. We are staring at each other again, & I keep trying to look away but something deep down inside of me won't budge. I just keep looking into her dark brown eyes & smiling.

Mark's POV:

I watch for a moment as they just stare back and forth not looking away for a moment, but not speaking either.

Have you ever heard the phrase-

Actions speak louder than words.

Well, I'm witnessing love.

And for that I say, silence is louder than actions.

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