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(This chapter is written a little different so bare with me and the new format of this chapter 🤣)


Callie's POV:

I wake up on Meredith's couch. I had been crying last night so I wake up with a excruciating headache.

Meredith had already got up and made pancakes for the kids & I get up, going to the overnight bag I had packed before I left Arizona's yesterday.

I grab my scrubs & go upstairs changing into them.

I put my hair in a low ponytail & put on some light makeup.

Meredith is letting me carpool with her.

Thank God.

If she hadn't, I would've had to ride with Arizona & that's the last thing I want.

Arizona's POV:

Callie didn't come back last night.

When she left yesterday, I just assumed she was get some air & picking up Sofia.

But, she never came home.

I sigh.

I could kick myself. How could I be so stupid? This happens every time. Every time I feel insecure or embarrassed or angry, I say or do something ignorant to hurt the people I love. I push them away. Every. Single. Time.

I get dressed & French braid my hair.

I get in the car. It's weird being in the drivers seat, even after two years without Callie. It felt weird driving. And with her being back the last few weeks I got used to her driving again.

Now I'm back to that same lonely feeling.

I don't wake up to a family or Sofia laughing. Or breakfast. I woke up to silence. Dead silence. No life was in my house for the first time in two and a half weeks.

And it makes me sad.

But what makes it worse is that it's all my fault.


Arizona's POV:

I managed to avoid Callie all day yesterday. I need to talk to her. I have so many things too say.

I'm doing charts when Mark comes up beside me.

"Robbins," He says "Where's Torres? I can't find her anywhere." He says sighing.

I don't look up at him & flip through my charts gulping.

"Uh- I don't know. Haven't seen her all day." I say handing the charts to a nurse & start walking towards the elevator.

Mark runs after me.

"Did she tell you if she had any surgeries this morning I mean- come on Robbins you got to at least know a hint about where's she's at." He says

I hit the elevator button & give him a quick glance before I look back at the elevator.

"Like I said- haven't seen her." I clear my throat as the elevator doors open.

"Robbins?" He asks like he knows something is wrong.

The elevator doors are closing & I say quickly, "Check the attending's lounge."

I see him smile as the doors shut & I don't give him one back. I just- don't have it in me.

Callie's POV:

I'm eating an apple in the attending's lounge looking at a magazine when Mark runs in.

"Torres." He says catching his breath. "I've been looking for you everywhere." He says as he pulls a chair up next to me sitting down.

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