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Arizona's POV:

After our little make out session last night, me & Callie went too sleep. I slept on the couch for multiple reasons.

Callie was drunk.

And honestly if I hadn't pulled away from that kiss last night, we probably would've done a lot more than just a make out session.

I felt like I was taking advantage of a situation that I didn't want control of.

I was sober & thinking clearly where as Callie was not.

I would've never forgiven myself if we'd went farther while she was drunk.

I snap out of my thoughts & begin to stress cook breakfast. Me & Callie are both off today... fun.

Stress cooking helps me with panic attacks.

I don't know why though. I like to cook about as much as Callie likes to do laundry.

I'm stirring the batter to our French toast faster & faster as I begin to recall everything from last night.

And then I start at the beginning.

Everything me & Callie have been through.

From the moment I kissed her in in Joe's Bar, up to her kissing me last night.

And nothing seems to be calming me down. I can feel my breathing getting heavier.

Another panic attack.

They'd been so under control lately that I almost forgot how it feels to hyperventilate.

But, as it begins to happen once again, I remember this anxious feeling & I how I wish to never have it again.

My chest gets heavy & I can't breathe.

I keep fading in & out.

Not losing consciousness, but panicking to a point that it's the only thing I'm focused on.

Callie's POV:

I sit up in Arizona's bed and put my hands on my head.

"Ow" I say with a pounding headache.

My eyes grow wide as I recall what happened last night after I got drunk.

"Holy Shit." I say.

I smell breakfast cooking which is weird.

I know Arizona.

She doesn't cook, just like I don't do laundry. She only cooks when she is stressed or anxious, which right about now I'm sure is my fault.

I decide to go check on her... maybe she will do what I'm doing & just- pretend it didn't happen.

But, when I walk in, I see Arizona hyperventilating & grabbing her chest.

I run over to her.

"Arizona? Arizona what's wrong?" I ask & she grabs my hand tightly with the arm that's not on her chest hyperventilating still.

I use my other hand to help her to the ground so she doesn't fall. She's shaking in fear.

I have never seen her like this. Not even after the plane crash. Most of that was just depression & anger. That's how she expressed her PTSD. She never had a panic attack or anything, unless... she didn't tell me.

She is still breathing heavily and now has one of my arms holding it with both of her hands. She holding on for dear life like she's afraid of losing something.

"Hey Arizona." I say sincerely turning my head to her. We are sitting next to each other on the floor in the kitchen, "look at me." I say

She is still hyperventilating so I take my hand placing it on her cheek and turning her head to me.

"Look." I smile "Look in my eyes." I say as she finally focuses on my eyes, "I've got you." I say. "Slow down..." I say breathing in. "Breathe." I say exhaling. And I continue to do so until she steadies her breathing too match mine.

She starts to shake & I hug her on the floor.

"Hey..." I say as she cries. "I've got you."

"I'm so- so sorry Calliope." She says crying, "I should've never brought... I should've never should have brought you into this." She says pulling away & sniffling.

She stands up. And she walks away back towards her room & I follow her nervously.

Arizona's POV:

Suddenly I'm furious with myself for many reasons.

I shouldn't of let Callie see me like that, I shouldn't have kissed her back, I shouldn't of went to sleep last night in the living room, & I sure as hell shouldn't let myself push Callie away.

My leg is hurting from standing on it all morning stress cooking and basically falling to the floor in Callie's arms.

So, I go to my bedroom & of course Callie follows me which only makes me a little more angry because I just want to be alone.

I try my best to ignore her as I take off my prosthetic sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

"Is it hurting again?" She asks standing at the doorway watching me massage my leg to help the pain.

"I'm fine Callie." I say not giving her a look because I'm so pissed at myself.

Callie's POV:


I just ignore it.

"Do you want me to help you?" I ask and she yells making me jump a little.

"I said I'm fine Callie." She says looking up at me and using the handle on the wall to balance herself on one leg as she stands up. "I don't need your help. I don't need you." She says & slams the bathroom door in my face.

I stand there for a moment in shock & then I wipe a tear silently.

I can hear Arizona sniffling in the bathroom but I'm too angry & sad to care.

I storm out of her room & grab my purse.

And I leave Arizona's house without saying a word.

I'm pissed.

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