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A pic of Caleeyah is above.
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Kennedy Simmons.

It was now Monday. Which makes it a week and 2 days since Cash has talked to me. I was starting to get annoyed with him. Normally when we have an argument we'd be cool on the second day. But it's literally been 9 days and it's been killing me. I miss my boyfriend.

I sighed as I locked my phone after sending Cash my 1000th text message and got out my car. I was so tired today. I didn't even want to be at school and I had to tutor Jace which normally ends around 6:00. I made my way into school and went over to my locker. I opened it and started looking for my history textbook.

"Kennedy." I heard Cash's voice. I smiled and closed my locker only to see him giving me a mean look. I leaned in too kiss him but he moved his head.

"What's your issue? I've been texting and calling you. And you literally just dismissed my kiss." I spat.

"What's my issue? Kennedy what the fuck is your issue? Going on dates with niggas now? That's what we doing?!" Cash yelled causing people to look at us.

"Going on dates with other dudes? Cashmere what are you talking about?!" I snapped back as a crowd started to form around us. He not gonna just yell at me and not expect me to yell back. Two can play that game.

"Kennedy you know what the fuck I'm talking about. I heard all about your lil date at Chili's with that broke ass nigga! Cheating ass!" Cash yelled causing the crowd yell "oooooo".

"Woah woah. Slow down! It wasn't a date! I helped him pass his tests so he wanted to buy me food. Is that a problem? I'd NEVER cheat on you nor have I ever cheated on you." I said.

"Yes it's a fucking problem. I'm finding out from my fucking sister you on a date with the enemy. What kind of grimy shit is that Kennedy? First you kick me out ya mom's store and defended that nigga now you going out on date with him? That's some hoe shit fr." Cash yelled in my face.

I felt my checks turn red, "I didn't even do anything wrong! It wasn't even a date. We didn't even do anything. He was literally buying me food as a thank you for helping him pass his tests!"

"Kennedy, I don't care. That's some hoe shit fr. You know I can't stand sneaky shit." Cash said before walking away. I sighed and opened my locker throwing my textbook back in my locker. I was done with school and it didn't even start.

I was pissed and sad. Pissed because why would Caleeyah run and go tell Cash I was on a date with Jace? That grimy bitch. I slammed my locker causing a few students to jump. I started making my way out of school when Jace saw me.

"Yo, you good?" He asked stopping me. He looked so concerned but I was pissed.

"I'm fine." I pushed passed him and made my way to the student parking lot.

"Hey Sis." I heard Caleeyah say as she was getting out her car.

"Ain't no "hey sis". Why would you tell Cash I was on a date with Jace?! What kind of mess is that?! I yelled.

"Because I think my brother deserved to know what his girlfriend is doing when he's not around." She responded with a shrug.

"I wasn't doing anything wrong! You and I both know that! I'd never cheat on your brother, are you fucking crazy? You're supposed to be my friend, why would you do that shit?!" I snapped. I never curse but she pissed me off to the point where I needed to curse.

"Blood is thicker than water." She responded before trying to walk off.

"Caleeyah, you are one slimy bitch. I see why Paris don't like your ass. You're so miserable." I snapped.

She just looked at me and walked away. I was so serious. Why would she run and go tell Cash a false statement? I'd never ever cheat on him. He's my first everything.

I sighed and got in my car. All I could do is break down in tears. I grabbed my phone and dialed Cash's phone number. I nibbled on my nail as it continued to ring my ear.

"What." He answered.

"Cash, baby listen to me I didn't cheat on you. I swear. It wasn't even a date. Baby come on, you have to believe me." I begged on the phone. Call me pathetic but baby I love my man.

"Kennedy, get off my phone." He said before hanging up. I threw my phone and started crying again. Why me?


short chapter, oh well!
discussion time!!
is kennedy wrong for going out to eat with jace?
is caleeyah wrong for snitching on kennedy?
what y'all think cash was doing for 9 days to where he can't respond or answer to any of kennedy's phone calls?

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