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Kennedy Simmons.

I sighed as I sent Cash what felt like the 100th thousand text since Saturday morning

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I sighed as I sent Cash what felt like the 100th thousand text since Saturday morning. He was avoiding me which I don't blame him. I didn't mean to blow up on him the other morning but he was disrespecting my mothers store and I don't appreciate that. My mom was mad as hell when Cash did that and I don't want her mad at him.

What's crazy is Cash knows better! He knows my mama don't play like that so for him to act crazy in her shop was very unusual. I just wanna know what's his deal with Jace. Why doesn't he like Jace? Like I know Jace was in a gang which is what could probably cause all this but that's about it.

"Yo." I looked up and saw Jace. I smiled weakly at him as he knocked my thoughts out of my head.

"Hey." I mumbled opening my textbook.

Jace sat down at the table and reached in his bag for his book. I pushed my hair behind my
"Ready to learn about the history of the Titanic?"

"You good?" He asked ignoring my question.

"Yes. Now are you ready to learn about the titanic?" I asked once again.

"Yeah I guess." He shrugged.

We opened our textbooks and went to the page. First Jace and I took turns reading each paragraph then I quizzed him on a few questions. He handed me his paper back and I graded them.

"Wow." I smiled looking at him.

He looked at me, "What? I failed?"

"No. No." I shook my head quickly. "You passed. You got all of them correct."

"I did?" He questioned.

"Yes." I chuckled handing him his paper.

"Damn. I can't believe it." He smiled looking at his paper.

"You did good honestly. All you have to do tonight is reread the chapter again and study these questions I gave you and you should be fine. I'm not sure if these same exact questions with be on the test but still study." I explained. I looked at my watch and seen it was now 5:30. Wow we've only been here for an hour and we got through a lot of stuff.

"What else do you have a test on this week?" I asked.

"Biology." He answered.

l nodded, "Lets get started on that." I said and heard my phone dinged. I pulled it out quickly thinking it was Cash but it was only Caleeyah texting me. I rolled my eyes cause I was hoping it was him.

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