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Kennedy Simmons.

It was currently friday and I couldn't be more excited. Right now I was in AP English watching a movie about who knows what.

Today Cash and I were going on a date after school which was nice since he's so wrapped up in his "job". Mama ain't been having me working lately cause she got some new employee so I've been bored lately.

I felt a tap on my shoulder knocking me out of my thoughts. I turned around and was now facing Caleeyah, "Wassup." I responded.

"What's the play after school?" She asked.

"Cash and I are going on a date."

She rolled her eyes, "Ew. What about tomorrow? What you doing?"

"Going to the mall with Paris."

"Ew." She rolled her eyes. "Man let me know when you not buy so we can hang." I nodded and turned around now paying attention to class.

It was no secret Caleeyah didn't like Paris. The two didn't get along because Kentrell had sex with Caleeyah ONE time while him and Paris were on a break and ever since then Caleeyah was crazy for him. He told her plenty of times he didn't like her, but did she listen? No. Her and Paris got into it so many times. I'm shook they haven't fought yet.

Within 2 hours later, I was walking out of school and was now heading to my car. I unlocked the doors getting inside. I crunk my car up and turned the heater on. For it to be only late September it was a little chilly to me. I put on my seatbelt and grabbed my phone trying to find a song to play before I drove off.

I settled on Jacquees' song Inside. My phone buzzed before I put it down. I smiled seeing it was my husband Cash texting me.

hubby💏🤤: Be ready by 8. No later than that or i'm leaving yo slow ass. love you😘.

me: 😂😂 boyy🙄. love you too💗.

I locked my phone and drove off heading home. It took about 15 minutes to get home due to the after school traffic. Once I made it home, I went straight to the kitchen taking out some chinese leftovers from the night before. I warmed it up and began eating it.

Once I was finish I went straight up to my room kicking off my Gucci sneakers. I got comfortable in my bed and pulled out my phone. I had a few text messages from my mom, Paris, Caleeyah and Cash. I texted them all back and put my phone on the charger.

I was a tad bit tired. Senior year is very tiring. I closed my eyes letting sleep take over me.

Jace Carter.

"Boss wants to talk to you." Tori said to me. I nodded my head and went over to my boss' office. I knocked on her door. I heard her sweet voice say come in. I came inside and smirked.

No cap, my manager was a bad lil thing. She was thick in all the right places. I'm not into having a cougar but looking at her made me wanna rethink. "Hey Mrs.Simmons." I sat down at the seat across from her.

She laughed pushing her hair behind her ear, "Sweetie, You can call me Kianna."

"Well, hey Mrs.Kianna." I winked at her.

"Uh uh boy." She chuckled. "I'm too old for you, don't be winking at me."

"I'm 17, I'm old enough."

"Not even. My child is 17." She laughed.

I playfully sucked my teeth, "So wassup?"

"Not much. Just wanted to know how you were doing. Like are you having any issues with the tasks you're supposed to do for the job?" She asked.

"No, everything is good. Easiest job I ever had."

"Great! I like that answer." She smiled. "I brought you in here because I talked to your probation officer Jewels and I decided to have you work here part time officially once your community service hours are over. Would you like to work here part time? I'll even bump your rate of pay up from $11 an hour to $14 an hour. What do you think?"

"Yes. I like working here." I told her with a smile.

She nodded and stood up. "Good. You can go home early Jace. I'll just pay you for rest of your shift."

I nodded my head and stood up. I gave her a side hug and said thank you. I walked out the store and made my way outside. I started my 30 minute walk home. I took my phone out my pocket and seen the time read 6:37. My stomach growled and all I could think about was did my grandma cook.

I made my way home within the next 30 minutes and opened the door.

"Jaceeeeeeee!" My little brother Jalen yelled as soon as I walked in the house.

"Wassup lil man?" I asked walking into the living room.

"The lights won't come on." He said.

I sighed, "Head in the room while I talk to grandma." He did as told and I went over to my grandma who was sitting on the couch.

"Why did they cut the electricity off? I thought they took that out your check." I asked her.

"They did but they saying I owed more than they took out because your brother and sister been using a lot of electricity this month." She explained.

"I get paid Friday, I can pay it so it can be back on." I told her. We exchanged good nights and I kissed her check after she laid down on the couch. I went back into the one room we had and made a palette. If it ain't one thing it's another.


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